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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:08:36

Oh, heck! I failed the test. 学习常用英语口语噢,见鬼!






Oh, darn! /Oh, no!



Where is your homework?



Shucks! I forgot it at home. 哎呀!...



Shoot! I Missed the train. 真见鬼!....




Uh-oh. I forgot. 啊,糟了



Not everything is logical.



Everything isn't always logical.



Not everything follows the rules of logic.



How was the investment?



It went down the drain. 钱全白白浪费了(丢下水道里了)

The train just left.

I almost made it. /I was almost on time.

I was just a little late.



Our house is a mess?

So, do something!

Do something about it!



Please do something about it.



Please take care of it for me.请为我处理一下吧



I'm so busy. /I'm so busy today.



How about tomorrow?

I'm too busy.



I'm as busy as a bee.

This task is too much for me.

Please don't give up yet.



I can't complete this task alone.

This is too much for me to handle.




I can't make ends meet on my small salary. 这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀等学习常用英语口语经典句式

I can't live on my low pay.



I can't get along on my scanty pay.



I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.

Your husband hit you again?



Yes. This is the last straw. 是的。我再也忍不下去了



That's it. /I've had it up to here.



I can't take it any more.



Your response is unacceptable.

I'm not satisfied with what you say.

Your answer is unsatisfactory.

I'm not satisfied with his answer.



I'm dissatisfied with his answer.



His answer didn't satisfy me.



He's got a chip on his shoulder today. 他今天一副挑衅的样子

Play fair! /Play fairly!



Don't cheat! 不许搞鬼。



What a waste of time and money!



Don't say that.






You're wasting your time and money!



I'd like you to have this. 我想送你这个



You're too generous. 你太慷慨了



You're too kind.

He told me all about it.

He told me everything.

What's taking so long?

Why is it taking so long?

I can't make it in ten minutes.



I need more time.



It'll take me longer than ten minutes.



Ten minutes isn't enough time.

He looks down on me. /He despises me.

He respects me.




You're good for nothing. 你什么忙也帮不了



I hate that noise.



It drives me crazy.  /It makes me crazy.

It drives me up the wall.

I'd like this one, and that one, please.

Is that all?  /Is that it?



Anything else?



I'll give you 10% off.



That's not enough. How about 20% off?

I'd like more. /I need more.



He's unfair to me.

He treats me unfairly.

He doesn't treat me fairly等学习常用英语口语内容。




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