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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:13:38





Are you free this weekend? --Yes, I am.

No, I have plans. / No, I'm going skiing.

Could I see you again?

Could you give me your phone number?



Where shall we meet?

Where shall I meet you?

Shall I come to pick you up?开车去接某人



Are you doing anything this afternoon?

Do you have plans for this afternoon?

Are you busy this afternoon?

No, nothing special.



Yes, I have to work.



How about having dinner with me?

Sounds great! 那太好了!

How about dinner?

Let's have dinner together.

Why don't we go to see a baseball game?



Yeah!好啊 Let's go see a baseball game!



Sorry, I'm tied up. 另有安排*be tied up“受时光的约束” 的英语中常用的口语。

Sorry, I have plans. /Sorry, I'm busy.



I'm sorry, but I have other plans.

I'm afraid I can't.

I'm sorry but I can't.



Thanks for asking(邀请), but...



Let's go out for a drink.

Thanks for asking, but I already made plans.

Thanks for the invitation, but...

How about a rain check,英语学习网站另找时间可能吗*rain check引申为下次能够的



Let's do it another time.

Could we plan it for another day?



Some other time.



I hope you can come.


















Are you ready?

No, not yet. 还没呢。

Ready yet?

Are you all set? 好了吗?

Ready. 准备好了

I'm ready. /I'm all set.

I'm not ready.



What time shall we leave?

In about ten minutes. 大略10分钟当前

What time do you want to leave?



What time do we leave? 多少点出门?



What time are we taking off?

What time do we arrive?



When do we get there?

Let's get going. 那咱们走吧。

I'll be ready in five minutes.



Shall we go?

Okay, let's go. /Let's take off.

Let's hit the road! *英语中常用的口语直译是“开路” 




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