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两分钟英语口语对话精粹:Volleyball—A Team Sport

线话英语|2015-05-08 16:40:17


  David:What is your favorite sport?你最喜好的运动是什么?

  You:打排球。My favorite sport is playing volleyball.



  David:How long have you played volleyball? 你打多久了?



  You:10 years on and off. Actually volleyball is a team sport and sometimes we can’t get enough people who also love to play volleyball, to make up a team and pay the fare. If you’re by yourself, then it’s not so much fun. It’s only practice … exercise. 断断续续有10年了。排球是一项群体活动,有时候都凑不够人一起打球、摊派费用;但一个人打又没意思,就成了一种练习了。



  David:Maybe too individual? 太孤单了吧? 

  You:Well, it’s different from playing with other people. Too boring. I like volleyball because it is a team sport. I can play and communicate with others and we can all enjoy playing the game together. 对啊,本人打不如找人一块儿打,自己打太闷了。我爱打排球就是因为它是集体运动,可能跟别人交流,一起享受运动的乐趣。



  David:By the way,, I heard that the Chinese national volleyball team is one of the best in the world. Is it true? 顺便说一下,我据说中国国家排球队是世界上最棒的,是吗?(注意,David在两分钟英语口语对话中采用的一系列问句)

  You:中国女排是这样的。有一段时间女排表现极佳,获得五连冠。郎平以前是女排中最出色的队员,也是以前女排的队长。退役后执教中国女排。Yes. Women’s volleyball in particular. There was a time they played so well that they won the championship for five times in a row. Lang Ping was the most famous player back then. She was the team captain. She later coached the national team.



  David:How about men’s volleyball?男排怎么呢?




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