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线话英语|2012-06-26 11:23:03





  Since the 20th century, 80 years, the increasing worldwide spread of drug abuse, drug trafficking is getting worse. The spread of drugs directly endanger people's physical and mental health, and to economic development and social progress brought about a huge threat. The growing drug problem has become a global disaster, not a single country in the world and the region could get rid of that scourge. From drug trafficking, drug-induced theft, robbery, fraud, prostitution and all kinds of vicious crimes of violence posed a serious threat in many countries and regions, law and order. In some places, drug trafficking, terror and triad trinity, has constituted the factors that undermine the stability of the country. Faced with this grim situation, 1987 June 12 to 26, the United Nations in Vienna, 138 countries, more than 3,000 representatives of the Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Ministerial Conference. The meeting proposed the "love of life, not drugs" slogan. Delegates agreed to June 26 each year as "International Day against Drug Abuse," to attract the world attention to the drug problem and called on the world's peoples to resist the dangers of drugs. In the same year in December, the 42nd United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution, decided to June 26 each year as "anti-drug abuse and illicit trafficking of the International Day" (the "International Day against Drug Abuse").

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