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线话英语|2015-05-08 17:32:15

     小学英语歌曲推荐,倾听独特的英语曲风。前些天,嫣然天使基金“天使之旅”的医疗队跟志愿者们,跟李亚鹏一起来到赤峰克什克腾旗达里诺尔镇学校,与学生们进行足球联谊;这次“天使之旅”李亚鹏破例带上了大女儿窦靖童,在篝火晚会上,13岁的童童首度在民众场合登台唱歌,她唱的是美国城市组合Lady Antebellum的大热单曲Need You Now。窦靖童的歌声着实让人惊艳了一把,果然有其母的风范啊!


Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.




由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com