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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:37:23


Sure, celebrities live life in the fast and fabulous lane, but even they dress up for Halloween like the rest of us.显然,跟咱们比起来,明星大腕们走的是条节奏快速又杰出绝伦的路线。而就连他们的万圣节服装,也是不走寻常路的。

Over the years, Hollywood has given celeb-loving fans some of the best and most extravagant costumes (we’re looking at you, Heidi Klum!) that put all other looks to shame.Who could forget last Halloween, when Jessica Simpson officially confirmed she was pregnant by posting a photo of herself dressed up as a mummy? (Get it?) Or what about Kim Kardashian,英语培训, who in 2011 gave Uma Thurman a run for her money by showing up dressed as Poison Ivy?多年以来,好莱坞的影星们不余遗力的显现给喜欢明星的大众们他们最好的也是最夸张的装束,夸大到融入所有让人感到愧疚的元素。(我们在盯着你呢,海蒂克鲁姆!)我们不会忘记去年的万圣节上,杰西卡辛普森发布了一张假扮成木乃伊的图片,图片里的木乃伊难掩突起的肚子,由此她官方否定了怀孕的事?(想起来没?)又或者是,金卡戴珊为了与乌玛瑟曼竞争,扮成了毒常春藤样子的装束?

Whatever the costume, celebs know how to go big for Halloween. 不管是什么样的装扮,明星们总能让它们在万圣节大放异彩。

Have a look in the gallery, above, then tell us: What is your all-time favorite celebrity Halloween costume?看看这些奇异的装束,告诉我们:哪一个明星的万圣节打扮更合乎你的一贯口味?

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