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线话英语|2012-07-10 11:43:27




  sick person, patient 病员,患者

  to be sick, to be ill 患病

  sickly 多病

  ailment, complaint 疾病

  pain 疼,痛

  indisposition, slight illness 不适

  unwell, indisposed 不适的

  affection, disease 疾病

  ulcer 溃疡

  wound 创伤,伤口

  lesion 损害

  injury 损伤

  rash, eruption 疹

  spot 点,斑

  pimple 丘疹,小疮

  blackhead 黑头粉刺

  blister 水疱

  furuncle 疖

  scab, boil 痂

  scar 癜痕

  wart 疣,肉赘

  callus, callosity 胼胝

  corn 鸡眼

  chilblain 冻疮

  bruise 挫伤

  ecchymosis 瘀癍

  bump 肿

  swelling 肿胀

  contusion 挫伤

  sprain, twist 扭伤

  fracture 骨折

  symptom 症状

  diagnosis 诊断

  case 病例

  incubation 潜伏

  epidemic 流行病

  contagion 传染

  fever 发热

  attack, access, fit 发作

  coughing fit 咳嗽发作

  to take to one's bed 卧床

  to sneeze 打喷嚏

  faint, fainting fit 晕厥

  vertigo, dizziness 眩晕

  to feel sick 恶心

  to lose consciousness 失去知觉

  concussion 震荡

  coma 昏迷

  diet 饮食

  treatment 疗法

  to get better, to improve 好转

  cure 治愈

  relapse 复发

  Surgery 外科

  anesthesia, anaesthesia 麻醉

  blood transfusion 输血

  probing, sounding 探通术

  amputation 切断术

  tracheotomy 气管切开术

  trepanation 环锯术,环钻术

  graft, transplant 移植

  ligature 结扎

  stitches 缝线

  cicatrization 瘢痕形成

  operating theatre 手术室 (美作:operating theater)

  instruments 手术器械

  bistoury, scalpel 手术刀

  bandage 绷带

  dressing, bandages 敷料

  gauze 纱布

  compress 敷布

  sticking plaster 橡皮膏,胶布

  catgut 肠线

  plaster 石膏

  sling 悬带

  plastic surgery 整形手术

  acupuncture 针术

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