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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:41:06



She's been cultivating a tougher image with songs like Roar.英语英汉互译为继在《Roar》MV中化身原始野人大获好评之后,水果姐凯蒂·佩里始终在为之后新歌MV中的造型殚精竭虑,想发现出更加富有创意的夸张造型。

But now Katy Perry has taken it a step further by transforming into a man-eating evil queen in her latest video Dark Horse.英语英汉互译为而这一次在最新发布的《Dark Horse》MV中,凯蒂·佩里化身邪恶的食人妖后,再次博人眼球。

The 29-year-old kills at least two men with magical powers while also taking time to straddle a stripper pole in the gorgeously shot clip.MV场景相当华丽,29岁的凯蒂·佩里用巫术至少“杀去世”了两个男人,还在MV中大跳钢管热舞。


The video opens with the message: 'Memphis Egypt a crazy long time ago'. MV以这样一句话开头:“很久以前,古埃及的孟斐斯是一个猖獗的地方。”

We then see Katy reclining on a boat in the Nile river as male slaves dance around her.随后凯蒂·佩里出场,她斜倚在一条行驶在尼罗河的船上,男奴在身边起舞。

We soon cut to a man wearing an eye patch as he brandishes a giant diamond offering it to Perry in her exotic court in the desert.随后MV的场景切换到沙漠中的异域宫殿,有一个带着眼罩的男人向凯蒂进献了一颗残酷的巨钻。

After examining the precious gem, the Fireworks singer licks her lips as she burns the man into a pile of dust with the aid of her laser eyed throne.在仔细查看了那颗宝贵的钻石之后,凯蒂舔了舔嘴唇,这个男人就被她宝座上的镭射眼击中烧成灰烬。

She then can be seen dancing on a stripper pole as she is attended by rapper Juicy J. 当说唱歌手 Juicy J 助唱时,凯蒂则跳起了钢管热舞。


But that's not all, as she is also seen nearly nude in silver body paint as a snake writhes around her body. 但这只是一部分,在MV一幕中她还几乎全裸浑身涂满银漆,金蛇在她的身上蠕动围绕。

Then after a pepper burns her mouth Katy electrocutes a fat man with lightning from her hands. 还有一幕是凯蒂在吃了胖男人进贡的变态辣辣椒后,嘴辣难忍,一怒之下手举闪电,电击了那个胖男人等英语英汉互译内容。

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