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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:41:20



Teachers at local schools in the otherwise sedate town of Clevedon were asked to remain vigilant on Monday as One Direction breezed in to film a new music video.在线中英文互译:单向乐队在星期一前往英国一小镇为新MV取景,这可累坏了当地学校的老师们,他们必须要时时坚持警惕省得学生逃课。

The chart toppers were joined by a busy production team as filming kicked off in the North Somerset town – but their presence prompted inevitable hysteria amongst young fans.在线中英文互译为乐队跟制作团队一到目的地萨默塞特小镇就开始了弛缓的拍摄工作,但是他们的到来,无疑使当地的年轻粉丝们悲哀欲绝。


South West News report that school staff were asked to be extra vigilant regarding a potential exodus of female One Directioners keen to get a glimpse of their idols.《西南新闻》报道说学校恳求全校教职工时刻保持警惕,以防有单向乐队的狂热女粉丝为了看偶像一眼而逃学。

However, once the school bell rang there was no stopping them - and fans flocked close to the pier while the lads filmed in chilly conditions.然而,放学之后学生们就自由了,铃声一响,喜好单向乐队的学生们就涌到他们拍摄MV的桥墩。当天冷风习习,乐队成员们为了拍摄不惜吹着冷风。

Keeping his hands firmly in his pockets, Harry Styles in particular looked to be feeling the chill, however it was Niall Horan that resorted to carrying a hot water bottle around the set.哈里·斯泰尔斯看上去已经冻得不行了,把手严严实实地捂在口袋里。而一边的耐尔·霍拉尼早已抱着热水袋来取暖了。


Despite being dressed in a thick black coat, the 20-year-old looked happy to have the red aid with him to warm up his hands.固然当天耐尔·霍拉尼已经穿了一件厚厚的黑色大衣了,然而这位20岁的歌手还是要靠热水袋来温暖本人的手,有了热水袋的他看上去很满足。

It was thought that the hitmakers were filming for their latest music video however, regardless of what they were doing, fans were eager to get a sighting off them.当天单向乐队是来为即将发布的MV取景的,但是无论他们在做什么,粉丝们的愿望就是能看上他们一眼。


Wearing his favourite brown coat, Harry stepped out in a skull print scarf, grey sweatshirt and his trademark skinny jeans.哈里当天外披着自己最爱的棕色大衣,里面穿着一件灰色的运动衫打底,配着一条骷髅图案的围巾,下面穿着他那条标志性的修身牛仔裤。

He also tried in vain to keep his famous curly hair under control, however his bandana seemed to offer very little as he stood on the seafront.诚然哈里还想让自己的一头的卷发保持它应有的造型,但是风太大,当他站在风口上的时候,他的头巾几乎不什么作用等在线中英文互译练习资料。

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