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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:44:25




克鲁斯无疑是21世纪好莱坞人人崇拜的典范:不满40岁的时候,他已跻身2000万美元俱乐部;在票房成绩上他仅次于头发未然花白的哈里森·福特;他领有自己的制片公司;由他主演的《碟中谍续集》只管评估个别,但仍然在2000年暑期掀起一场票房狂潮。2001年,他和导演Cameron Crowe继《甜心先生》之后再度配合,拍摄了奇情惊悚片《香草的天空》,而2002年中还有跟Steven Spielberg合作的科幻大片《少数派报告》。目前,阿汤哥参演电影的寰球累计票房已冲破七十亿美元。

英语翻译练习中文:Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (born July 3, 1962), known as Tom Cruise, is an American film actor and producer. He has been nominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. Cruise's first appearance in a major film was in 1981's Taps. His first leading role was in the film Risky Business, released in August 1983. Cruise played the role of a heroic naval pilot in the popular and successful 1986 film Top Gun, and also secret agent Ethan Hunt in the series of Mission: Impossible action films.

He has starred in a variety of other successful films such as Rain Man (1988), Days of Thunder (1990), A Few Good Men (1992), Jerry Maguire (1996), Magnolia (1999), Vanilla Sky (2001), Minority Report (2002), The Last Samurai (2003), Collateral (2004) and War of the Worlds (2005). Since 2005, Cruise and Paula Wagner have been in charge of the United Artists film studio, with Cruise as producer and star and Wagner as the chief executive. Cruise is also known for his support of and adherence to the Church of Scientology的英语翻译练习资料。

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