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英文对照翻译:洛德泰勒成好闺蜜 两人合作成可能

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:46:10



It's hard to believe that New Zealand singer Lorde once referred to Taylor Swift as 'too flawless and unattainable' - because the pair have been acting like inseparable twins recently.很难假想新西兰女歌手洛德曾说泰勒·斯威夫特“太过完美“难以濒临”,因为这二位最近像如影随行的双胞胎。

Posting gushing tributes to each other on Twitter after awards ceremonies is one thing, but posting Instagram snaps of loving embraces - as Taylor did recently - takes things to a whole new level.英文对照翻译为颁奖礼之后在推特上彼此庆贺庆祝还难能宝贵,泰勒最近又把“爱的抱抱”照片上传Instagram,她可真是把二人关系推到一个新的高度了。


Taylor kept the good vibrations alive on Sunday with an Instagram pic of the two of them enjoying a day at the beach.泰勒全体礼拜天心情都不错,在Instagram上传了一张她和洛德在沙滩的照片,看的出来她们很享受。

Turning to smile at the camera - each wearing complementary outfits of shorts and skirt, similar blue tops and sunglasses - the two looked like they were shooting promo photos for an impending girl group.照片中二人回眸一笑,相机记录下杰出刹那。两个人的穿着也井水不犯河水,泰勒的短裤配洛德的短裙,相似的蓝色上衣和太阳眼镜,她们两个看上去就像是即将出道的女子组合在拍宣传照一样。

Taylor posted the photo on Sunday and kept the caption purposefully vague, by keeping the location a secret and simply writing: 'Bare feet in the sand on a Saturday...'泰勒在星期天上传了这张照片,故意把标题写得含糊不清。她不写图片拍摄的地点,只是简单地写了一句:“周六,赤脚享受沙滩。”

Fair enough. If they are enjoying a close friendship together, the last thing Taylor wants to do is tell her eight-million-plus Instagram followers where to find them.切实这很畸形,正在奇特度过闺蜜相伴的美好时光的时候,泰勒才不会想告诉自己八百多万Instagram粉丝哪里可能找到她们。

And the idea of them starting a girl group is not as ridiculous as it sounds.而且她们组团成破一个女子组合这个主张也不听上去那么荒诞。


Taylor's cute picture comes only a couple of days after Lorde spoke on London's Capital FM Radio about a possible collaboration between the two.洛德在伦敦首都之声中坦言她跟泰勒可能会有配合,而仅仅多少天之后泰勒就上传了那张温馨的合照。

Lorde said that the very fact that their musical styles were so radically different could be the thing that made working together interesting - and successful.洛德说,正是她跟泰勒音乐风格天地之别,二人配合才会很有趣,而且断定大获成功。

With record industry money men no doubt dreaming of such a collaboration, what could possibly be stopping these two BFFs getting started?洛德和泰勒这样的合作无疑是唱片业投资人梦寐以求的,还有什么能制止这对好闺蜜开始她们的协作之旅呢?的英文对照翻译内容。

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