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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:47:15


  Arnold Schwarzenegger took center stage at Thursday’s opening of the Beijing International Film Festival, thanking Chinese fans for their embrace of his movies, touting the increasing importance of the Chinese market, and promising “I’ll be back” within months to promote “Terminator Genisys.”




  Arnoldn. 阿诺德(男子名)。西方人的名字有时候也可能做姓。施瓦辛格给国人的印象基本都是正面的,但美国历史上却有一个Benedict Arnold的名字却成了叛徒之意,这是谁呢?Benedict Arnold (1741-1801),美国独破战役期间的美国将军,起初为革命派作战,并且屡破战功,后来却在1870年反叛投靠英国,将西点以30000英镑的价格卖给了英国,这使他在美国成为极具争议的人物。而在其成名所在地萨拉托加的长靴纪念碑上,也刻意隐去了他的名字。

  festival n. 节日;庆祝,留念活动;欢喜,adj. 节日的,喜庆的;快乐的。拉丁词根fest-,fan-,fiest-等表示寺庙和宗教上的节日,咱们当初的复生节和圣诞节等主要的holiday实在本意都是holy day,即宗教意思上的“神圣之意”。多少个有关系的单词有:

  fair n.展览会;市集 feria n.宗教假日 feast n.节日;宴会,v.享受,;接待 festal adj.节日的;喜庆的,欢乐的 festive adj.节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的 festivity n.欢庆;欢宴;庆典 festoon n.花彩,v.结彩,后缀-oon表名词,如balloon n.气球 fiesta n.生日;宗教节日;祭典 fete n.祭祀;节日,v.宴请 fane n.寺院;神庙 fanatic adj.狂热的;盲目的,n.盲目者 profane adj.亵渎的,v.亵渎,pro=before


  The former California governor, whose “Sabotage” is opening in China next week, made a splash on the red carpet, signing autographs and telling fans he kept fit by working out twice a day and playing chess.这名主演电影《破坏者》(电影将于下周于中国上映)的前加利福尼亚州长在红毯上大放异彩,忙着亲笔签名并告知粉丝他一天锻炼两次,下下象棋,身体很健康。

  Bounding onto the stage at the opening ceremony just after the vice minister of propaganda delivered a raft of statistics about China’s booming movie market, the deeply tanned, 67-year-old action star said that when he wanted to promote “Conan the Barbarian” around the world 30 years ago, Universal Pictures executives said he only needed to go to England, and maybe France or Italy.宣传部副部长刚递交了大量中国电影市场兴兴向荣的数据后,施瓦辛格就空降北京电影节开幕式了。这名皮肤晒得黑黑的67岁动作影星说道,30年前,当他想要寰球宣传《野蛮人柯南》的时候,环球影业的实行长们说:他只有去英格兰宣扬一下就好了,可能再去去法国和意大利。

   “Studio executives now recognize that two-thirds of the money is made overseas, not in America,” he said.“电影制片长的高管们当初发现了,切实票房的2/3来自海外市场,而不是美国本土,”他说。

  With the Beijing festival now in its fifth year and China’s movie market the No. 2 in the world behind North America, government organizers have sought to lift the event’s profile, professionalism and glamour this year. The opening ceremony, broadcast live in both Mandarin and English, was held at a striking new international convention center in the north of Beijing – never mind that it didn’t actually include a film screening.北京国际片子节已经举行了5届,而中国的电影市场成为了世界第二大市场,仅次于北美,政府主办方今年力求电影节的盛况、专业度跟魅力值都回升一个台阶。揭幕仪式全程中英文现场直播,在北京北部的一个引人凝视的新国际会议中心举办——更不用说还不包含在内的电影放映式。


  glamour  n.魅力,魔力;迷人的美,vt. 迷惑,迷住。这个单词,不管你信不信,其实来自grammar语法。大学英语句子翻译中的grammar这个单词的词根是gram,本意是something written。在不会写字的人看来,会写字(gram-)是与魔力、巫术、神秘等密切相关的。苏格兰小说家、剧作家跟诗人Walter Scott在自己的小说中利用了glamour这个grammar的变体后,glamour这个单词被广泛的传播。



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