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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:49:30


Is there anything James Franco can't do? During an Oct. 7 photo shoot at a private Beverly Hills home, the actor-writer-director-professor became a heartbreak hero.英汉在线免费翻译为:这世上还有 James Franco 做不到的事儿吗?10月7日在贝弗利山庄某家庭拍摄的一张照片使 James Franco 在演员、编剧、导演、教养几个身份之外又多出了一个角色——救命心碎人士的英雄。

Greta Pasqua, 15, whose dad owns the residence, "was really depressed because her boyfriend had just broken up with her," a source exclusively reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly. "James caught wind of it and gave her a pep talk."知情人士对 Us Weekly 吐露,今年15岁的 Greta Pasqua “因为刚被男友人甩,非常失落。”James 发现了这个小女生,还对她说了些加油打气的话。

The star, 35, even helped Pasqua exact some sweet revenge. After learning the girl's ex is Franco-obsessed, the source tells Us, he took a huggy photo with her. "He said, 'Post it on Facebook and tell him to eat his heart out!'"这位35岁的明星可算是为 Pasqua 小姑娘报了仇。知情人说,获悉小姑娘的前男友是 Franco 的铁杆粉之后,James 抱着小女孩拍了一张照,并对小女孩儿说:“发到 Facebook 上,让他悔到肠子青吧!”的英汉在线免费翻译。

The plan worked. Says the source, "Her ex is all of a sudden starting to think he made the wrong decision!"盘算成功了。知情人说:“她的前男友开始觉得本人做了一个错误的决定!”

As for Franco's love life, the This is the End star is currently on the market after splitting from girlfriend Ahna O'Reilly in 2011 after five years of dating. In October 2012, he denied rumors that he was dating Twilight actress Kristen Stewart and Spring Breakers costars Ashley Benson and Selena Gomez.至于 Franco 自己感情生活,这位出演《This is the End》的明星自2011年与交往了五年的 Ahna O'Reilly 分辨之后便始终保持单身。他的绯闻女友有《暮光》女主 Kristen Stewart,《Spring Breakers》配合女演员 Ashely Benson 以及 Selena Gomez,但在2012年10月,他否认了这些传闻。

In a blog post for the Huffington Post, he claimed he never asked Stewart out on a date and added, "As for Gomez and Benson, those are [Justin's] Bieber's girls and I wouldn't dare tangle with the Biebs."英汉在线免费翻译为在一篇为赫芬顿邮报写的博文中,他说他素来不约过 Stewart,而且补充道:“至于 Gomez 跟 Benson,他们是(贾斯汀)比伯的女友,我可不会招惹比伯的女人。”

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