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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:51:54



Halle Berry, 46, and actor-boyfriend Olivier Martinez, 47, her rep told reporters Friday after rumors burbled up on TMZ. The Oscar winner has a 5-year-old daughter from a previous relationship (her contentious custody battle with model Gabriel Aubry culminated in a bare-knuckled fight between the two men last fall); this will be her first child with Martinez.

A source tells People that “this happened naturally,” which may not fully satisfy all the questions in your head, but is it really our business anyway? (If you want, though, Slate examined older-mom stats during the Rielle Hunter saga.) Dating for a little more than two years, the actors have been long-term engaged since early 2012.


奥斯卡首位黑人影后哈莉-贝瑞(Halle Berry)怀上了她的第二个孩子,她的发言人确认了这一消息。另有新闻称,哈莉-贝瑞已经怀孕至少三个月,甚至还有消息称她这一胎是一个男孩。而前几天她因为狗仔太过濒临她而大动肝火好像正因此事。

现年46岁的哈莉-贝瑞曾经有过两次失败的婚姻,5岁大的女儿Nahla是她与前男友模特加布里尔-奥布里(Gabriel Aubry)所生,哈莉腹中的孩子是她与现年47岁的未婚夫奥利维-马丁内兹(Olivier Martinez)的第一个孩子,幸福的二人于去年订婚。


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