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线话英语|2010-12-30 10:59:23



高考过后,莘莘学子们又再次面临抉择。大一新生们已正式入学三个月了,近期,有调查数据显示,大一新生中有半数以上的人想转专业(switch major)。这其中的原由让我们一起看看吧。

The majority of freshmen are eager to change their majors after entering college, according to a recent survey.

Bleak job prospects and waning passion for the original majors are ranked as the major causes.

The survey showed that nearly 70 percent of the 2,229 polled freshmen wanted to change their majors while 17 percent said they failed their applications to do so.
一项针对2229名大学新生进行的调查表明,近70%的学生想转专业, 17%的学生表示想转却转不了。

More than 40 percent said that their original majors had no promising career prospect while 32 percent said that their majors were boring.

Experts said students should think carefully before making a change, while universities should offer more chances and instructions on selecting a major.

Different requirements

Currently, an increasing number of universities promise their students of the chance to choose another option if they are not satisfied with their original major. But the requirements to do so vary from school to school.

Students with Peking University must submit applications to change majors during a fixed period. Only after passing the exam and an education background check can they switch to a new major. However, in Northeast Petroleum University (NPU) in Heilongjiang Province, only those whose first school year scores ranked in the top 2 percent are qualified to apply.

Success story

"Only one person in my class can change a major," said Hu Jing, an NPU student who was that person. She switched her major from electronic science and technology to resources exploration.

Hu said she originally chose to study petroleum engineering, one of the best majors at NPU, when she applied to the university.

Dream realized

But her major was adjusted owing to her unmatched national college entrance score.

Hu realized her dream after a year of hard work. She said there were 26 students in her resources exploration class who successfully changed their


original major to the current one. All were the top students of their classes.

Zhang Jiangfeng, a student with Zhejiang Economic and Trade Polytechnic, however was not able to study his favorite major. Zhang majored in software technology and development but said he really wanted to pursue enterprise management.

Caution advised

Rong Liying, an education PhD and teacher with Capital Normal University in Beijing, said students usually have no clear idea of the school-assigned majors and do not know their majors well.

Consequently, she suggested, "Students could pick up a category to study first. After one or two years of learning, they can know what their real interests are and choose a better option."

She also said that students should not blindly switch their majors for future job prospects.

"Hot majors in the year they were enrolled might lose their popularity due to too many graduates in the same fields four years later."

Freshmen keen to switch majors


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