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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:07:44

英语面试:巧妙回答“你为什么来这工作” 内容来自www,

  “I've sent my résumé to over 150 companies but I'm not getting any bites,” complained a job hunter. “How many more jobs should I apply to in order to generate some interest?”





  Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game. They hope that by applying to enough companies, sooner or later they will find success. While there is no one magic number of how many places a jobsearcher need apply, you shouldn't for a moment believe that applying to everything in sight is a winning strategy for career progression. Moreover,being unprepared for success might also be risky。


   内容来自www. .com

  Imagine getting this call: “Hi Joe.This is Jane from ABC Corp. I'm responding to the résumé you submitted to us.Thanks so much for your interest. Can you tell me why this job appeals to you?”


内容来自www. .com


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  Gulp. Joe's chances could be doomed from the get-go if he can't quickly summon to mind a better answer than: “Well… I applied to lots of jobs. Remind me which company you're calling from, and tell me about the job. Then I'll be able to explain it to you.”



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