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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:24:57


  1. I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always ________ you ________ a careful driver.

  A. think; are                         B. am thinking; are

  C. thought; were                   D. think; were CopyRight .com

  2. I really ought to go on a diet。I ________ on so much weight since I gave up jogging.


  A. put                                  B. am putting

  C. have put                           D. had put


  3. We ________ to go skiing tomorrow,but there’s no snow,so we’ll just stay home instead。


  A. are going                          B. were going


  C. will go                             D. would go

  4. At the time of the earthquake Jeff was still in his office. He ________ to finish a project before he left for the day.

  A. has tried                           B. had tried


  C. has been trying                 D. had been trying


  5. The student didn’t pay any attention to the lecture; he ________ of something else. CopyRight .com

  A. thought                            B. had thought


  C. would think                      D. was thinking CopyRight .com

  6. —Such a mistake could have been avoided. 

  —Unfortunately, he ________ the mistake again and again.

  A. repeated                           B. would repeat CopyRight .com

  C. had repeated                     D. would have repeated


  7. —Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday? 

  —No, but we ________ to get in touch with them ever since.


  A. have tried                         B. have been trying


  C. had tried                          D. had been trying


  8. I would have come sooner but I ________ that they were waiting. 

  A. haven’t known                 B. hadn’t known


  C. don’t know                      D. didn’t know 

  9. -Oh, it’s you, Steve! I ________ you.


  -No surprising. I’ve just had my hair cut.


  A. don’t recognize                B. haven’t recognized


  C. didn’t recognize               D. hadn’t recognized

  10. I’m glad to see that you ________ a lot of progress since I ________ you last.


  A. will make; have met          B. have been making; met


  C. had made; met                  D. have made; meeting


  11. -Have you finished your composition already?


  -Yes. I ________ it in twenty minutes.


  A. have finished                    B. finished


  C. will finish                         D. had finished 

  12. Once a programme ________ put into a computer, it ________ accordingly.

  A. is; acts                            B. is being; is acting

  C. has been; will act              D. will be; acts


  13. —What place is it?


  —Haven’t you seen that we ________ back where we ________ ?


  A. were;had been               B. are;were      


  C. were;have been              D. are;had been

  14. —Didn’t the guard see him breaking into the bank?


  —No, he ________ in the other direction.

  A. was looking                     B. had looked


  C. looked                            D. is looking


  15. —Have you persuaded him?

  —Yes. After some hours of discussion, I ________ to reason him in accepting the new plan.


  A. had managed                    B. would manage CopyRight .com

  C. have managed                   D. managed

  16. —I suppose the young beautiful actress is about 20 years old.

  — ________ ! She is still a college student.


  A. You guess it                      B. You guessed it

  C. You have it guessed           D. You’re guessing it


  17. -The enemy spy was found at last. -Really? Where ________ himself? 

  A. had he hidden                    B. did he hide


  C. has he hidden                    D. was he hidden CopyRight .com


  1. C. 英语训练讲解因为指you got a ticket之前,“我本来始终认为你是位非常警戒的司机”,所以用过去时。

  2. C. 因为与表现“自…以来”的since从句或短语连用的通常是现在完成时态;再说前面的“我应当节食了”,也说明当初“我已经增肥”了。

  3. B. were going to do sth. 指“原打算做…”。



  4. D. 指从发生地震之前的某一时候开始到发生地震时始终在尽力完成一项计划,并且在发生地震时依然在办公室努力完成这一盘算,所以要用从前完成进行时。



  5. D. 指这位学生在不留心听课的同时“正在想着别的事件”。



  6. A. 因为could have done是对过去产生的事表示遗憾,所以答语也应该是指他在过去一再犯这样的错误。 CopyRight .com

  7. B. 因为ever since是“自那当前(直到当初)”之意,常与完成时连用,又根据but 可知,现在也还在主意与他们取得联系,所以用现在实现进行时。

  8. D. 因为would have come是表示与过去事实相反的虚构语态,所以是“我当时不晓得他们在等”。



  9. C. 因为谈话时已经认出来了,指在谈话之前“方才我没有认出你来”,所以用正常过去时。



  10. B. 因为是“上次见你”,所以since从句的谓语动词用普通过去时,打消A跟D;又表示从上次见你以来一直到现在并且现在仍然在一直获得进步,所以用现在完成进行时。



  11. B. 由答语Yes可知,现在已经做完了,后文强调的是完成的时间,要用一般过去时。 CopyRight .com

  12. C. 因为时间状语从句或者条件状语从句中用个别现在时或现在完成时,主句用一般将来时。

  13. B. 句意是“难道你不看到咱们现在又回到了咱们原来所在的地方吗?”



  14. A. 指他闯入银行那个时候,the guard正在朝别的方向看。



  15. D. 由Yes知道已经劝服,After短语是说明劝服的时光,所以用个别过去时。此题与26题类似的英语训练讲解。

  16. B. 意思是你刚才猜对了,所以用畸形过去时。



  17. A. 英语训练注意由于hide是指在被找到之前,即过去的过去,所以用从前实现时。 




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