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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:27:47



   1. ---What time did you get there this morning?      

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     --- _________ eight. CopyRight .com

     A. In        B. On        C. At       D. From



  2. He has got a chair to sit _______, but nobody to talk ________.

    A. on, to     B. / ,  with       C. on, /      D. / , to 内容来自

  Where's Lily? We are all here ________ her. 

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    A. beside     B. about      C. except       D. with



  Shanghai  lies ________ the east of China.    CopyRight .com

    A. to      B. in        C. on       D. at



   精析: 1. 谜底:C.此题考核学生是否掌握了at\in \on 表示时间的用法。表示多少点用at.

          2. 答案:  九年级下册英语A.此题考察位置介词on 跟词组talk to . 内容来自

          3. 答案: C. 此题考查四个介词的意思。能根据上、下文正确应用。

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          4. 答案: B. 此题考查学生是否把持了抒发地位的用法。在表白东、西、南、北的方位时。在范围之内用in , 在范围之外用to,相邻用on。



  练习与牢固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩! CopyRight .com

  用适当的介词填空: CopyRight .com

  Last Saturday I was busy ______ my homework .

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  My teacher was very angry ______ me because I was late ______ school again. CopyRight .com

  Kathy prefers a hula hoop ______ a book. 内容来自

  I will invite some friends ______ my eighteenth birthday party. CopyRight .com

  How long has he worked ______ an inventor.



  My uncle arrived ______ the airport ______ the morning of May 3.



  I will always help my friends when they are ______ trouble. 内容来自

  There is nothing ______ air ______ space.



  I won't be back ______ June. 内容来自

   ______ the age ______ twenty, he had written two books.



   Mary fell ______ her bike and hurt her right leg.

   He has been away ______ China ______ three years ago.

   When I was ______ school, I was ______ the school football team.

   I think he will be ______ two o'clock.

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   The teacher was given some flowers ______ his students.



   Look, the birds are singing ______ the tree. 内容来自

   He left the classroom ______ all the windows open.

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   My sister is ill today. She doesn't feel ______ eating anything.

   It's too dangerous. You must keep the children away ______ the fire. 内容来自

   My parents arrived ______ a cold night.



   You should apologize ______ her ______ stepping on her foot. CopyRight .com

   The students are sitting ______ the table, reading the newspaper.



   The city is famous ______ its football, and people there are very proud ______ their city football team. 内容来自

   We are doing better ______ English ______ our teacher's help. 内容来自

   Don't worry ______ me. Everything is going well ______ me. 内容来自

   He was late ______ school today, and she came late ______

  school, too.



   ------ Do you know what happened ______ Peter yesterday?

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  ------ He was hit ______ a car.

   I like clothes made ______ cotton.

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   He will go to Hangzhou ______ his car tomorrow.

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   ______ my surprise, the Englishman gave up halfway ______

  the end.

   I saw the great changes ______ my own eyes.



   You look tired. Instead ______ working indoors you should be



  out ______ a walk. CopyRight .com

   Wushu is becoming more and more popular ______ foreigners. CopyRight .com

   If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me ______

  phone. 内容来自

   There is going to be a report ______ Chinese history ______ our 

  school this evening.



   Before 1990 there was no airline ______ the two cities. 内容来自

   She is dressed ______ a white skirt ______ red flowers.

   It's bad ______ you to go to work ______ breakfast.



   It's very nice ______ you to get me two tickets ______ the World   




   ------ Where have you been these days?



  ------ I have been to Bei Daihe ______ a friend ______ Canada. CopyRight .com

  ------ Would you like some coffee?

  ------ Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee ______ milk. CopyRight .com

  ------ When did Mr Smith come here?



  ------ ______ nine o'clock yesterday morning. CopyRight .com

   You must stand ______ line when you are waiting ______ a bus.

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   ------ Jack, will you be home ______ time to see the children before they go to bed? CopyRight .com

  ------ No problem.



  China lies ______ the east of Asia and ______ the North of Australia. CopyRight .com

  46. If you can't pass the exam, you'll fall ______ others.



  47. I have a swim every day ______ yesterday. CopyRight .com

  48. We all know that the earth moves ______ the sun.

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  49. The sunlight is coming in ______ the window.

  50. This room is full______students and that one is filled______ teachers.



  九年级下册英语答案Key: 1. with   2. with, for  3. to    4. to   5. as

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  6. at, in       7. in,   8. but, in   9. until  10.At, of  11. off  12. from, since   13. in, on/in  14. in   15. by  16. in     17. with  18. like 19. from  20. on   21. to, for     22. at    23. for, of  24. in, with   CopyRight .com

  25. about, with  26. for, to  27. to, by    28. from  29. in  30. To, in   

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  31. with      32. of, for     33. among     34. by      35. on, in  36. between

  37. in, with  38. without  39. of, for    40. with, from  41.to   42. At  43. in, for 44. in  45. in, to   46. behind  47. except  48. around 

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  49. through  50. of, with




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