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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:28:53




103) a.The news of the victory excited everybody.



b.The news of the victory made every-body excited.

c.Everybody was excited by the news of the victory.




104) a. The story of their sufferings moved us deeply.


b.We were deeply moved by the story of their sufferings.



(他们的苦难往事使咱们深受感动。) CopyRight .com

105) a.The sad story touched us all. 

b.We were all touched by the sad story.



106) a.The good news thrilled them.

b.They were thrilled at the good news.





表示“困惑”概念的情感型使动词,英语日常口语词汇主要有bewilder, ,confuse,fluster,puzzle等,例如:

107) a.The examination questions bewildered the student.


b.The student was bewildered by the examination questions.



108) a.The noise confused him.


b.He was confused by the noise.





109) a.Their surprise party flustered Mary.


b.Mary was flustered by their surprise party.

(他们突然到玛丽家作庆祝聚会使她手 忙脚乱。)


110) a.What she said puzzled me. 

b.I was puzzled by what she said.



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