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线话英语|2016-12-14 17:21:46

 A difficult or abusive boss can poison the best of jobs. But you are not powerless; before you even consider quitting, try the boss-taming strategies below.

采用建设性的对抗方式 你的老板可能比你所想象的更乐于改变其态度。有些经理并没有认识到他们的盲行使下属感到多么不快。可以告诉他你对他发怒的感受。比如说:“当你在上责骂我,批评我的工作时,我感到很沮丧。请尊重我,把我叫到一边私下里提出你的批评。”如果他看重你的工作,他会对自己的谩骂有所收敛的。
APPEAL TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY If your boss omes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. But before you take this course, discreetly, ask coworkers if they"ve clashed with your boss in the past. Ideally, they will back you up and permit you to mention their names when you make your charges. That way, you can bring a pattern of behavior to management's attention. Begin by asking, “Can I have a discussion with you off the record?" Then cite examples that show how your boss's treatment negatively affects your performance. Make it clear that you want to improve the situation, not punish your boss. If discipline is what he needs, let the higher-ups make that call.
诉诸更高的上级 如果你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。但在你采取这一步骤之前,要谨慎地询问一下同事,他们是否过去也与你的老板有过冲突。他们可能会支持你并且允许你在上告时提到他们的名字。这样你就可以提请公司主管注意你老板的不当行为。你可以这样发问:“我能和你作一次非正式的谈话吗?”然后举例说明你上司的作法如何影响你的工作。你要表明你想改进现状,而非惩罚你的老板。如果你的老板需要纪律约束的话,那就让上级打通知他吧.



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