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非主流少年 Scene kid

线话英语|2011-01-18 12:56:16

有些人追求时尚,橱窗里推荐什么就买什么,结果满街的人都穿同样的衣服。有些人追求个性,只在潮流大军中挑选适合自己风格的物件,所以被指“千年不变”。还有些人,只要是主流的东西,他们肯定不喜欢。各类小众摇滚秀场是他们必去的地方,不论男女都喜欢穿细瘦的铅笔牛仔裤,化浓妆。他们就是scene kids。

非主流少年 Scene kid

Scene kid refers to a person who adopts an unconventional style of dress, such as colored hair worn high on the head, dramatic eyeliner and straight jeans, and who prefers hip-hop, screamo, punk rock, and other offbeat genres of music.

Scene kid(非主流少年)指衣着不遵循传统风格,并且喜欢嘻哈、情绪嘶吼、朋克摇滚以及其他非主流音乐类型的人,他们通常把头发染成鲜艳的颜色并高高梳在头顶,描着夸张的眼线,穿着修身牛仔裤。

Scene kids are usually aged 14 – 21, sometimes older or younger. Scene kids older than 20 are commonly referred to as scenesters. Scene kids will often give the impression that they think that they’re better than everyone else. They are best friends with their iPod, computer and cell phone.


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