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【除了“Thank you” 道谢还有俏皮话】

线话英语|2011-03-21 11:48:40


        如果今天的你做了好事,可能别再期待对方向您说:“谢谢”两个字了。在西方,传统的道谢方式兴许已经过时,现如今如果您做了好事,比较容易听到的“谢谢”不再是“Thanke you”,而被”“干杯”(Cheers,在酒桌上使用。),或者时髦表达高兴愉悦的语气词‘ta’、还有撒娇的词语“wicked”、 'You star'(你还不错哦) and 'Cool'(酷) 逐渐成为如今“谢谢”的替代品。


         If you do someone a good turn today, don’t expect a thank you. ‘Cheers’, ‘ta’ or even ‘wicked’ is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed. Research among computer users suggests that the traditional expression of gratitude has fallen by the wayside. Cheers, oh and ta for dinner: The traditional 'thank you' is being usurped by snappier ways to show thanks, like 'Wicked', 'You star' and 'Cool' 



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