• 05-082015
    .Kjd484 { display:none; } 【新浪博客 - 外企笔试英语书面语】1. Why are you looking (or why did you leave you last job)?   This should be a straightforward question to answer, but it can trip you up. Presumably you are l...
  • 05-082015
    .Ivd176 { display:none; } Nerve通常阐明为“神经”,然而它也有“勇气”的意思。例如在咱们要学的第一个常用日常口语习惯用语: get up the nerve里,它就表示“勇气”。 例句1:I'm trying to get up the nerve to walk in and tell my boss I wanta...
  • 05-082015
      “马上”一词让在中国生活工作的老外友人们有点忧郁,由于对他们来说mashang是他们在中国所碰到的最不爱好的两个短句之一。当他们在中国第一次听到mashang”的时候,还去查汉英字典:In the Chinese dictionary the word "mashang" consists of the Chinese character...
  • 05-082015
      Jessica在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,学英语的好网站,就会来求教她。今天常用英语情景会话是方方要问的:食客。   FF:Jessica, 今晚跟我去吃饭怎么样?   Jessica: 好啊! 吃什么!   FF: 吃正宗的湖南菜,怎么样?Look, thi...
  • 05-082015
    .Pnl801 { display:none; } “顺其自然”英文表白 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com 做成功一件事,往往需要“天时地利人跟”,可是如果“万事俱备,只欠东风”,咱们也只能顺其自然。你知道顺其自然则么么说的吗? 1. Don't trouble trouble until trouble tr...
  • 05-082015
    .Olz964 { display:none; } 如果把一个方形的盒子放在一个圆形的容器里,两者断定是不能完全合乎了。这就是咱们所说的“格格不入”。今天,咱们就来总结一下英语里这个词的地道表白。 1. His appearance here is like a square peg in a rou...
  • 05-082015
    flash sale, flash is spelled f-l-a-s-h, flash, sale is spelled s-a-l-e, sale, flash sale. Flash sale是限时抢购,也叫闪购。有研讨显示,Accessories are among the most sought after items on flash sale sites. 闪购网站上,服装配饰属于最热门...
  • 05-082015
    To miss the boat 错失良机(Finn is picking up Feifei to go to his posh uncle's party)Finn: Come on, Feifei! We are going to be late. This party is my big chance!Feifei: I'm almost ready, Finn! 大家好,我是冯菲菲。Finn 邀请我跟他...
  • 05-082015
    ”银幕初吻“这个新单词,该如何说呢? 咱们平时说的“初吻”就是 first kiss,网上语自学例如:I’ll never forget my first kiss. 我永远也不会忘记我的初吻。然而“银幕初吻”语怎么说呢?咱们来看看把哈利•波特的初吻炒得满城风雨的新闻报道吧: Schoolboy wi...
  • 05-082015
    .Iqb990 { display:none; } “重口味”英语怎么说 本文来自:英语之家 内容来自   这个当初红的发紫的词语“重口味”用英语该怎么说呢?      首先,字面来翻译的话自然是strong taste/strong flavor,不过这个用来说明菜品的味道还凑合,要用来抒发...
  • 05-082015
    .Aew245 { display:none; }   Jessica在北京学中文,她的中国友人要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来求教她。今天英语口语情景交际是怡茹要问的:道听途说。    YR: Jessica, Congratulations! And I'm mad at you! Jessica: What? Why? What's going...
  • 05-082015
    其余一些英语中常用的委婉说法还有:His time has come.He has climbed the golden staircase.His number is up.His sands have run out,英语培训.His star has set.He has joined the majority.He is sleeping the final sleep.He is resting in peace.He has met his end.He has breathed his last.He answered the last number,英语培训.He has joined the angels.(英语点津)
  • 05-082015
    .Kdn282 { display:none; } 即将到来的周末,有完全的盘算了吗?百无聊赖之中,邀上三俩好友,一起逛街吧! 我们去逛街好不好? Why don't we go window-shopping? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com =Shall we go window-shopping? 英语之家www.yingy...
  • 05-082015
    “远离是非”的英语 日常十句话
    .Bul338 { display:none; }   春节是孩子们最高兴的时候了,亲戚家的小孩聚在一起跑来跑去放鞭炮,玩得不可开交。然而大人们对比较皮的孩子总是分内留心,出去玩之前总要告诫他“别惹是生非”,当初咱们来学习一下一些表白惹事生非英语 日常口语吧! 1. John, if yo...
  • 05-082015
    .Jkw828 { display:none; }   逢人爱问“嗨,最近咋样?”当然,一种盛行的回答就是 “随随便便吧,还行。” 这个“还行”或者“还勉强”如何用语来表达呢?假如你厌倦了老套的“Just so so”,“Fair to middling”也是蛮不错的成人口语交际妙语佳句。 “Fair”和“midd...
  • 05-082015
    .Rfi585 { display:none; } 车轱辘话:就是一句话反反复复的说。懂了嘛~ “车轱辘话”英语怎么说 内容来自   小A前段时间把手机给丢了,她很忧郁,于是逢人就说这个遭遇。搞得大家当初都管她叫“祥林嫂”。像她们这样不断跟人重复同一件事的举动实在跟总是一直反复转动...
  • 05-082015
    Great white hope 每日一句学语身负众望的人或事 看两个例句: 1.The new hire at my sister's company is expected to vastly expand sales. He is their great white hope. 大家都感到我妹妹公司新雇的经理能把销售搞上去。 2."We need a candidate who...
  • 05-082015
    .Wlv784 { display:none; } 俗话说“身体是革命的本钱”,只有身体健康了,咱们才有心情跟精力去做别的事件。汉语中有很多说法可能表白“健康”的意思,那英语中是不是这样呢? 1. I felt awful yesterday, but today I feel as right as rain. 昨天...
  • 05-082015
    .Kmh542 { display:none; } 1.The drunkard staggered(蹒跚)from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com 2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(迈着艰难的脚步行走;跋涉)wear...
  • 05-082015
    .Yyp294 { display:none; }   对话:   A: What did he say?   他说什么呢?   B:He said he would tell us the secret of becoming a successful man. 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com   他说会告诉咱们成为成功人士的秘诀。 ...