• 05-112015
    雅思写作十大典型 见官死 开头
    .Icr805 { display:none; }   “见官死”开头之一:奇文瑰句不知所云(喷血指数:☆☆☆)   典型失败案例:   Topic 1: Should college students be allowed to get married?   This topic is very interesting. I'm very interested ...
  • 05-112015
    .Tua451 { display:none; }   好多同学的白话答案听起来支离破碎,究其起因,英语学习网站,往往是因为对问题不足够的主张而无话可讲;有的甚至为了追求词汇语法100%准确,而在回答过程中频繁重复,长时间停顿;要么就是思路天马行空,想到哪说到哪…总之完全失去了流畅度...
  • 05-112015
      雅思写作非常考验考生的英语综合运用能力,特别需要注意以下七点: 一、 时间安排 雅思英语写作恳求考生在一个小时之内实现一篇至少150个单词的阐明文或信件(20分钟)跟一篇至少250个单词的探讨文(40分钟)。考生需公平部署时光。 疑难:先写Task1还是Task 2? 倡导考生先...
  • 05-112015
    .Ahx816 { display:none; }   Air travel, once a privilege of the wealthy, has been gaining popularity worldwide over the last few decades. The number of people traveling by air has been growing by leaps and bounds. Some ...
  • 05-112015
    雅思作文高频真题 为何音乐如此重要
    .Cig729 { display:none; }   Topic: Some people think music plays an important role in society. Others think it is simply a form of entertainment. Discuss both sides of this argument and give your opinion.   破题:有人...
  • 05-112015
    .Jhr371 { display:none; }   1 People who often read for pleasure can develop better imagination and language skills than those who often entertain themselves with television or the Internet. Do you agree or disagree?  ...
  • 05-112015
    难忘的五一劳动节(I had an unforgettable Labour Day
    .Hat590 { display:none; }   My classmates threw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat.Our parents were invited to the party.Everybody was excited about the holiday.I ate a lot of delicious food at that t...
  • 05-112015
    .Yza780 { display:none; }    It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday,英语书面语. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour. 内容来自 ...
  • 05-112015
    .Ijq134 { display:none; }   范文:The thing that I'll never forget 本文来自:英语之家     How time flies!I’m fifteen years now.During the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget. 本文来自:英语之家   ...
  • 05-112015
    .Fru474 { display:none; } 我觉得英才的不错,我在那边补过英语,老师的练习很有针对性,会根据不同的情况制定盘算,所以持续一段时间的训练后成果比较明显。你能够去那里试试,在二十一中旁边,仿佛是雨花亭新建西路77号省教诲电视台的五楼报名,四楼上课,英语培训,具体你...
  • 05-112015
    .Bcw677 { display:none; } Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,英语学习网站,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, s...
  • 05-112015
    .Lhu237 { display:none; }     The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival,英语培训, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious...
  • 05-112015
    .Ghz840 { display:none; }   写作恳求:    Your family is going to give a dinner party at home. Gao Lu, a famous young calligrapher(书法家), has been invited. Meanwhile(同时), you also want to invite your foreign fri...
  • 05-112015
    .Aix534 { display:none; }   根据国外学者的考核统计,一个以句号结尾的英语句子,单词的数量最好不要超过20个,否则的话,句子偏长,听话人的留心力有可能不集中,漏听一、两个单词,从而影响对全体句子的理解。为了避免句子洗练,通常采取两种办法,一种是将一个长句子...
  • 05-112015
    .Ixd566 { display:none; }   道歉是生活中经常遇到的事情。你可能不会察觉,不过仔细回想,走路或者乘电梯需要别人让一下我们说的“对不起”或者“不好意思”,不过虽然字面上写的都是道歉的意思,实际可能只是一个习语而已。但是生活中确实会遇到很多需要道歉的事情,...
  • 05-112015
    线话英语写作话题之:通电话 A Phone Call
    .Bjv456 { display:none; }    I was tired with preparing for the Joint College Entrance Examination the other evening. And having been alone for several hours,I was eager to have someone to chat with me about anything ...
  • 05-112015
    .Afa829 { display:none; }   一句粗心的话可能会引起抵牾;一句残酷的话可能会覆灭一个生命;一句及时的话可能会减轻压力;一句示爱的话可能会给你永远的幸福。 本文来自:英语之家   一个广为流传的王子变成青蛙的故事经常被讲给孩子们听。当田鸡请求一位公主吻他...
  • 05-112015
    .Ctd828 { display:none; } 4级作文主题:   你的好友李华在一次车祸中受到重伤导致下肢瘫痪,但他并不被病魔吓倒,而是以积极乐观的态度与病魔抗争。请你根据李华的经历写一篇100词左右的英语短文。 四级作文基本情况介绍:    姓名:李华    基本情...
  • 05-112015
    .Hct116 { display:none; } ,英语书面语    根据下面的提示,以“Talking about Having Sports”为题编写一段对话(字数:80--120)。   提醒:   Susan每天下午参加体育活动。她喜欢游泳,每星期游泳一次。David在中学时代也常游泳,但现在没有继续了,...
  • 05-112015
    .Ufi858 { display:none; }   To Wang Lun 赠汪伦    &nbsp,英语培训; By Li Bai 李白 本文来自:英语之家   I’m on board; We’re about to sail, 内容来自   李白乘舟将欲行, 本文来自:...