• 11-182011
    由英语学习—电话英语提供   1. 活该(a)! (It/that) serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)   e.g You failed the test? That serves you right for not studying!   2. 活该(b)! You had it coming!   e.g...
  • 11-172011
     由英语学习—线话英语提供  There are ten ill-advised tips (lies) people will likely tell you when you decide to pursue your dreams and the reasons why they are dreadfully mistaken:   在你追求梦想的道路上,总有一些身边关心你的...
  • 11-162011
     由商务英语—电话英语提供 manager 经纪人   instructor 教练,技术指导   guide 领队   trainer 助理教练   referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判   linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判   contestant, competitor, player ...
  • 11-152011
    The Importance of Being Honest—诚信的重要性
         In the busy city of New York, such an astonishing thing that ever happened.   在繁华的纽约,曾经发生了这样一件震撼人心的事情。   On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing hi...
  • 11-142011
    Ever wished you were the blue-eyed boy? You soon could be, after a doctor revealed he can permanently change a person's eye colour in just 20 seconds.   Dr Gregg Homer, from Stroma Medical in California said his Lumin...
  • 11-112011
    电话英语-线话英语提供 Life is full of confusing and disordering particular time in a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy an...
  • 11-102011
     电话英语-线话英语提供 My friend got married. His mother carried two bags of cotton from the countryside by bus and train to his city. After arriving at the city, there was still a long way to his house without any bu...
  • 11-092011
      If you find yourself unable to go more than 15 minutes without reaching into your pocket, pulling out your smartphone and checking your e-mail or micro blog, don’t freak out. You are hardly alone.   A recent survey...
  • 11-082011
    每个人的青春年代,都是那么美那么好的,曾经逝去的人,那些已经远走的事,会勾起我们怎样的回忆和难言之隐? Man’s youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until ...
  • 11-072011
    The vocabulary of babies who are bilingual remains flexible as they grow up and boosts their speaking ability as toddlers, a university study has found. Babies and children have a great ability to learn a second language bu...
  • 11-032011
    For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 若要优美的嘴唇,要说友善的话。 For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处。 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 若要苗条的身材,把你的食物分...
  • 11-022011
    男性成家后对养育子女更有兴趣—A man who has a baby is more interested in parenting
    很多人在成家之后会认为,女性对养育孩子的责任更大,因为她们通常会为了孩子放弃事业,在家里为丈夫和孩子操劳。但事实并非如此,男性在成家之后,对养育子女的兴趣更大,一起阅读吧。 They say having a family changes a man forever. But it may not just be a ...
  • 11-012011
    生活中常用手势的含义—the meaning of some gestures we used in life
    1. 高兴激动(happiness and excitement):双手握拳向上举起,前后频频用力摇动。 2. 赞同(agreement):向上翘起拇指。 3. 祝贺(congratulation):双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作。 4. “别作声”(stopping-talking):嘴唇合扰,将食指贴着嘴唇,同...
  • 10-312011
    美国国家档案馆展览:揭秘总统最爱盘中餐-The Delicious Food The President Likes
    “Oh, no, no,l want a piece of that cake,” Clinton fired back, pointing to a chocolate sice.“I am the president of the United States, so pass it on.”   “I knew every time that he had been a bad boy bec...
  • 10-282011
    励志人生格言-Inspiring Mottoes
       1.All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。 2.An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。 3.Cease to struggle and you cease to live.生命不止,奋斗不息。 4.Difficult circ...
  • 10-272011
    【英语阅读】乔治华盛顿:言行规范造就“美国国父”-George Washington's rules of good behavior
       The good qualities that would make George Washington a respected Ieader and a genuine hero of American history were evident at a young age. General Edward Braddock, Washington's commander during the French and Indian ...
  • 10-262011
    近日在各大电视台及网站上映的电视剧《裸婚时代》可真是让观众大开眼界呀,刘易阳和童佳倩的“裸婚”—没房、没车、没存款似乎成了很多80后的无奈之选,在房价居高不下的今天,你“裸婚”了吗?   A“Naked marriage” is a Chinese term that refers to a marriage wit...
  • 10-252011
    在每个人心中,都有那么一个重要的人,他的位置无人能够代替,他们彼此深爱着对方,愿意为对方放弃一切,哪怕是自己的生命,下面的这个故事更是深深触动了我,真正的爱情是什么,假如这都不算爱,还有什么能算得上爱情? A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle,speeding t...
  • 10-242011
      We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I d know better.   I’d really like them know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatlo...
  • 10-212011
      Photographs of loved ones have the power to dull pain, scientists have discovered. Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same degree as para...