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斯诺登泄密事件最新消息 中英对照

线话英语|2013-07-04 11:22:57

  Snowden examined by Ecuadorian embassy doctor at Moscow airport upon arrival – RT source


  Citing a source close to Snowden, Russian news agency Interfax reported that the whistleblower’s final destination will be Venezuela with a transfer in Havana, Cuba. He will reportedly be on flight SU150 to Havana, leaving Moscow on Monday and then on flight V-04101 to Caracas.


  “He chose such a complicated route in the hope that he would not be arrested on the way to his final destination of Venezuela,” the source told Interfax.


  The US will seek cooperation with governments of countries where Snowden may go, Justice Department Spokeswoman Nanda Chitre stated on Sunday.

  美司法部女发言人Nanda Chitre在周日说,美国将寻求与斯诺登可能前往国家的政府进行合作

  “We will continue to discuss this matter with Hong Kong and pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries where Mr. Snowden may be attempting to travel,” she said, as cited by Reuters.


  'More whistleblowers will follow'


  Whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and Bradley Manning, the world is likely to hear more about the actual state of things says Pepe Escobar, Asia Times correspondent in Hong Kong talking with RT.

  像爱德华·斯诺登,维基解密的朱利安·阿桑奇和布拉德利·曼宁这样的告密者(的出现),让这个世界可能听到更多事物的实际状态,香港亚洲时报记者Pepe Escobar对RT这样说。

  “Definitely, we’re going to have a collection of Assanges, Mannings and Snowdens from now on, especially from the US tech geeks who are extremely uncomfortable with this Orwellian panopticon surveillance thing: not only in the US as we’ve seen some revelations on Britain as well. It is an Anglo-American thing. Of course everybody is involved in cyber wars, but the forefront is the US,” Pepe Escobar explains.

  “毫无疑问,现在,我们有了阿桑奇、曼宁、斯诺登三位大侠,他们会形成一个集合,(会有人源源不断的加入),特别是对这个奥威尔监狱式的监控感到极其不爽的美国技术宅们:不仅在美国,我们也看到英国也被揭发出来。盎格鲁-美利坚就是这个尿性。当然所有人都在参与网络战争,但首当其冲的是美国,“Pepe Escobar 说。

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