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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:10:51



Catherine: Hi, you're listening to Authentic Real English with me, Catherine, and in today's programme...

Feifei: Catherine? Is that you? Wow!! 我差点儿都没认出你来!

Catherine: Yes, it's me. What do you think?

Feifei: You look... different! 你剪了头发,还染了色彩!

Catherine: Do you like it?

Feifei: 嗯,我特爱好!这个发型不同你以往的发型,我感到这很合适你的,并且让你显得特年青。

Catherine: Younger in a good way, I hope...

Feifei: 那是当然了。再让我看看,你穿了件新上衣,还有新鞋...

Catherine: Yes, do you like them?

Feifei: Yes, I do. 你平凡总穿深色衣服,今天这身装扮色调赫然,真美丽。

Catherine: Thanks Feifei!

Feifei: 真的,你今天十分英俊。不外好像还有点儿不一样的处所,让我再看看,啊,你的眼影,腮红,口红都是新的吧?You've completely changed your make-up!

Catherine: Oh the make-up? Yes, that's different too. Everything's different! I've had a makeover.

Feifei: A makeover 就是咱们汉语里常说的从头到脚变了造型,换了作风,面目全非,一个全新自我。(咱们练习对话英语注意新单词出现呀)

Catherine: Yes, I've changed my make-up. And I've changed my hairstyle and the type of clothes I wear too. When you make lots of changes to something so that it looks completely different, fresh, new and much better - you've given it a makeover.

Feifei: 今天 Catherine 就来了一个完完整全的 makeover. 那请问在 makeover 当名词应用的时候,前面应当用哪些动词呢?(当然练习对话英语也要注意单词的使用哦)

Catherine: Have a makeover, give something a makeover, get a makeover, need a makeover. Here are some examples:

I was so fed up with the way my husband dressed. He looked so untidy all the time! I threw out all his old clothes and took him shopping for a complete new wardrobe. Now he's had a makeover, he looks as handsome as he did when we first met.
A: This room looks so old-fashioned! It really needs a makeover.

B: Yes, if we paint the walls and change the curtains it will look so much better.
Feifei: 人跟物都可能做一个 makeover.

Catherine: You can give almost anything a makeover, Feifei. Even you can have a makeover - I'll take you shopping if you like! We can start with your hair - a nice, short cut I think would suit you, then get you a nice new pair of skinny jeans, and change your make-up, and we'll get you a...

Feifei: Wait, wait, wait! I don't think I need a makeover. 我认为我当初这样挺争脸的,真的不必了,谢谢。

Catherine: Oh, OK, sorry.

Feifei: 没事儿,不用报歉。

Catherine: Just a haircut then...

Feifei: No!

Catherine: Colour change maybe? A little bit of red, just a little bit of red here and there?

Feifei: 我真的不须要转变造型!

Catherine: Well, if you change your mind, you know where I am! Now, I must be going, I'm going to give my living room a makeover and there's a sale on at the furniture shop.

Feifei: 祝你血拼胜利!Good luck to you if you're thinking of having a makeover. 谢谢收听,下次再会。

Catherine: Bye!(BBC英伦网)

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