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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:22:25

  give the eye 抛媚眼,送秋波的在线练习英语口语内容:

  无论是男生还是女生,只有他/她瞄准了看上了另外一个她/他,他就会give the eye,那就是说,他/她在暗送秋波,在眉目传情,在表白他/她对另一位的兴趣噢~!




  1. Willy, don't look now, but when you get a chance take a look at that girl sitting over there alone. I think she's in my biology class. And, you know something - I think she's trying to give me the eye. Maybe I ought to go over and say hello.

  Willy, 你当初先别看。等一会有机会,你看一看那边独自坐着的那个女孩子。她仿佛是咱们生物课里的一个同学。你知道吗,我觉得她在对我眉来眼去。兴许我该走从前打个号召。



  2. Oh stupid guy, I have been trying my best to give him the eye. But there is no response at all!






  give the once-over 非同个别地看某人

  在这里,once表示“一次”;over有良多阐明,如“超越”“上面”“完了”等。而这个短语的意思就是“非同一般地看某人”,实际上与give the eye的意思是一样的。也就是说,在利用时,它俩完全可能换着用。再来看两个例子:

  1. When I give the once-over, she finally gave me a nice smile so I went over to tell her: "haven't we met someplace before?" She asked me to sit down and we got acquainted and look at this, Willy - she gave me her phone number!



  当我盯着她看的时候,她终于对我笑了一笑。所以,我走从前对她说:“我们是不是以前在什么地方见过面?”她让我坐下,我们就这样意识了。你看,Willy, 她把她的电话号码都给我了。



  【在线练习英语口语提醒常被忽略的地方】美国年轻人在想认识一个他喜好的女孩子的时候往往会说,我们好象以前见过面吧- 也就是:haven't we met someplace before? 他们经常用这句话来问对方,实际上是借了这个话题来意识对方。

  1. Hi, Toutou, look at the boy over there. He is looks awesome isn’t he? But obviously he is giving the once-over to another girl.




  size up 估量;合乎要求





  1. Oh, yeah, I'm settled down all right. I married Barbara about three years ago; as soon as I met her I right away sized her up as the girl I wanted to marry. It took her three more years to agree, but we've been very happy and already have a daughter with more on the way, I'm sure.






  2. Trust me, you will size her up when you two meet. She is quite your type.




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