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A wild card 的商务英语日常对话

线话英语|2015-05-08 15:40:44


Rob: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Rob and joining me today is Feifei.

Feifei: 大家好!咱们办公室新来的那位同事听起来不错的哈?What about that new guy who's started in the office?

Rob: You mean Brian?

Feifei: Yes, he's very funny – 总给咱们讲笑话,昨天他还在办公室给我表演用橙子玩杂耍 - he was very good.

Rob: Hmm, if you say so. He might be funny but I haven't seen him do much work - I think he's a bit of a wild card.

Feifei: A wild card? Brian 是“一张疯卡”?你的意思是他可能是红桃心,方片,黑桃或是梅花?什么呀?我不懂。

Rob: No, no, although the expression does come from playing cards - here, it means he is unpredictable,he's someone we don't know much about so we're not sure how he's going to behave in the future.

Feifei: Oh do you think so?( 在咱们这里商务日常口语对话里,用 a wild card 来描写一个咱们不太懂得的、举措不成测的、有未知数的人。这个表白当初也常备用在选秀竞赛顶用来描述“外卡选手”。)Now you've said it, yes Rob, Brian is unpredictable!

Rob: OK. Let's hear some more examples of this phrase...


Jack is too much of a wild card to get a place on our team.

We're taking a gamble, she's a wild card, but let's hope she delivers what she promises.

The wild card in this competition is Chelsea: nobody really knows which way the score will go.

Rob: Right, have you got that? A wild card can describe someone who is unpredictable or who behaves in an unexpected way. But although Brian is a wild card, I wish he'd settle down and do some work instead of joking around all the time.

Feifei: 诚实说,切实你也想像 Brian 这样生活吧?

Rob: Not at all - but Feifei what kind of card would you call me?

Feifei: Oh Rob, you're my favourite card - you're ACE!

Rob: Ace! Gosh Feifei, you're such a card!

Feifei: See you next time.

Both: Bye!

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