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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:45:21

  Entering Foreign Enterprise


  report for work

  A:Good morning.Im the new typist Lin Fang.Im reporting for work today.



  B:Glad to meet you!Come in!


  Welcome to our company.



  A:Good morning.My names Peter King and Im new here.

  B:Pleased to meet you.Im Anna White,the assistant to the Personnel Manager.

  Welcome to our company.




  If theres anything I can do for you,let me know.



  = If I can be of any help,dont hesitate to ask.



  A:Hello!My names John Christian.



  I have never seen you before.You are new around here,huh?



  B:Yes.My names Mike Johnson.I just started 3 days ago.

  A:Well,if theres anything I can do for you,let me know.

  B:Thanks.I appreciate that!




  first day to work

  A:Good morning.Allow me to introduce myself.Im John Williams,the manager.

  B:Good morning,Mr.Williams.Im Wei Hui,the new secretary.Im glad to meet you.

  A:Today is your first day to work here,so I hope you will not feel too nervous.



  B:Yes,I hope so.




  adapt yourself to...

  A:You must be the new clerk.Im Mark Anthony,your supervisor.Welcome!



  B:Im Jesse Mann.Nice to meet you,Mr.Anthony!

  A:Come this way.Your desk is over there.We have a lot of work to do.

  B:I hope it is not too difficult.Im a little nervous this morning.

  A:Dont worry.Youll adapt yourself to it all in a couple of weeks.




  Please help me out when you can.

  A:Mr.Zhang is from Shanghai.He can speak English,French and Japanese pretty well.

  B:Hello.This is my first time working in an American company,



  so I am quite nervous.Please help me out when you can.


  He will be working as Mr.Kings assistant.



  A:Mr.Zhang will be working as Mr.Kings assistant.



  B:Yes,I see.






  feel free to...

  A:If anything is not clear,please feel free to ask.

  B:OK.Thank you very much indeed.






  Id like to introduce...



  A:Mr.Zhang,Id like to introduce our director Mr.William White.

  B:Im very glad to meet you.



  C:Its a pleasure to meet you.






  You will be my replacement.



  = You will take over my position.



  A:Are you the new accountant?



  B:Yes,I am.



  A:Oh,then you will be my replacement.My names Mark Smith.

  B:My names Alice Lee.




  Let me show you around the office.



  A:Let me show you around the office and tell you where everything is,



  so you can get a general idea of your duties. www.yingyuzhijia,英语学习网站.com

  B:All right,Mr.Williams.




  This is your desk.= Your desk is here.

  A:Where do I work?

  B:This is your desk; there is a computer and other articles for use.




  get office supplies

  A:Where can I get office supplies?



  B:At the administrative centre.


  Whats this for?

  A:Whats this for?



  B:Its the key to your desk.




  train new employees



  A:How do you train new employees?



  B:We have a twoweek training program.




  get used to new work



  A:Hello,Zhang Hai,Im Robert Lee,the office manager.

  And I will be training you for the following week before you start your job.

  B:I hope thats not too difficult.



  A:Take it easy.The training will help you get used to your work quickly.






  We provide quality analysis training.



  A:Mr.Smith,I was told that each worker is trained to do quality analysis.

  Can you tell me a little about that?

  B:Certainly.We provide quality analysis training as part of the training for all new workers,

  plus a week of further training every year.


由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com