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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:45:22






  Everything is OK here.

  A: Good morning,Mr.Yang.Have you got used to the environment here?



  B: Good morning,Mr.Donald.Everything is OK here,except for the weather.




  How are you doing?办公室英语口语300句的对话例句:

  A: Hi,Tom!

  B: Hi,Mac!How are you doing?

  A: Fine.How about you?

  B: Good.




  loads of work = so much work

  A: Whats up,man?



  B: Not much.What about you?



  A: Me? Im going crazy with loads of work every day!



  B: Thats too bad.


  weather forecast

  A: Sara,did you watch the weather forecast yesterday?

  B: Yes.Whats the matter?



  A: Is it going to rain today?

  B: No,it will be a fine day today.But Weather Forecast is the last thing you can rely on.






  Its indeed nothing here.

  A: Ah,its so cold outside!

  B: You come from the south,right?



  A: Right.Why do you ask?

  B: Because its indeed nothing here.You know,just 4-5 degrees above zero.






  办公室英语口语300句表达How cold could it be in the winter?

  A: Sam,can you tell me how cold it could be in the winter?



  B: En...about 10 degrees below zero,I guess.

  A: Really? Thats unbearable!You know,in my hometown,

  people are still wearing short sleeves in November!

  B: What can I say? This is the north,after all.


  I cant get over how different the weather is here.

  A: Whats your impression of the United States?



  B: Well,I cant get over how different the weather is here.




  How long does it take you on the road?



  A: Katie,you drive here for work every day,right?

  B: Yes.

  A: How long does it take you on the road?



  B: About 50 minutes.

  A: Huh...Thats better than I thought.


  heavy traffic

  A: What takes you so long on the road?



  B: Of course the heavy traffic!During the morning rush hour,the cars are simply unable to move in the traffic jam!






  go to work by bus

  A: How long does it take you to go to work by bus?

  B: About an hour,I think.



  A: That isnt fast,either.

  B: Yeah,you see,the traffic jam also works on me.




  What do you do to kill time?



  A: Mr.Smith,what do you do to kill time?

  B: I like to read books or listen to music and relax.When you are off work,what do you do? Mr.Zhang?

  A: I enjoy playing computer and reading.




  Did you have a good holiday?



  A: Hello,John.Did you have a good holiday?



  B: Great,thanks.Good food,good weather.I enjoyed it very much.



  A: Thats so nice.



  B: Anything special happened when I was away?



  A: Nothing that you could call special,no.


  How is everything going on?

  =How are you doing?



  A: Hows everything going on,Tom? I know youve been pretty busy lately.

  B: Everythings going well,Mr.Palmer.Except for one thing.

  A: Oh? What is it?

  B: This copier.I really think we need to buy a new one.Its been breaking down quite often.

  A: Is that so? Ill have Dennis take care of it then.




  Dont work too hard.

  = Take it nice and easy.

  A: You dont look well,dear,you must be tired.

  B: Not really.Ive been so busy that I havent had time to think about it.

  A: Anyway,dont work too hard.



  B: Ill try not to.Thanks for all youve done for me.




  Lets call it a day.=Lets wrap things up.



  A: Lets call it a day.

  B: Ok,see you tomorrow.


  Well take it from here tomorrow.

  =Well resume tomorrow.



  A: Shall we stop here today?

  B: OK,well take it from here tomorrow.






  Thanks for your hard work.

  A: Thanks for your hard work.Have a good rest.

  B: Thank you,you too.




  Time to go home.



  = Its time to return from work.

  A: Time to go home!

  B: Its six oclock already? Cant believe it!


  Give me 5 more minutes.



  A: Come on,its six thirty,lets go home before it gets dark.

  B: OK,just give me 5 more minutes.




  Im off.=I will go now.



  A: Im off.Bye!

  B: See you!


  Have you forgotten anything?

  A: You'll go? Have you forgotten anything?

  B: En, I don't think so.




  Remember to punch your time card.

  = Dont forget to punch out.

  A: Im going home now,bye.



  B: Remember to punch your time card.






  Could you punch me in?



  A: Could you punch me in?

  B: Sure,wheres your time card?




  Whats the hurry?

  A: Whats the hurry?



  B: Its time for the last bus.


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