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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:55:13

  (1)Everyone has a gift, even the person you think is a total bum. Look at what Harry’s aunt and uncle ended up discovering about him! 学英语口语电影经典台词:每个人都有天赋,甚至是那些你认为非常吊儿郎当的人。看看哈利的姨夫姨妈,他们最终发明了他的了不起之处。



  (2)Revenge tends to only make you look bad. Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired. 复仇只会让自取其辱。哈利有时试图让他烦人的表哥入麻烦,但总是大失所望。

  (3)People may be following your progress (or your example) even if you don’t know it. Harry had no idea that so many people were interested in how he was doing before he headed out to Hogwarts for the first time. 即使你当初不知道,说不定当前很多人会跟随你的脚步(或视你为榜样)。哈利来到霍格沃兹之前基础不晓得会有那么多人对他感兴趣的学英语口语电影的哲理台词。



  (4)Fame may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts with a reputation already in place. While it may have paid off in some ways, it also attracted the envy and negative attention of boys like Malfoy. 名气不一定引致赞美。哈利来到霍格沃兹时,他在魔法世界早已名声大振了。但这会有不同的成果,比喻这也招来了像马尔福这样的人的嫉妒。



  (5)People are complicated and it’s difficult to see all of their soul in one fell swoop. At first, Hermione seemed like a very uptight show-off. It took a long time for Harry and others to see what a good heart she had. 人是复杂的,一时间很难理解一个人的全部品格。最初,赫敏好像很爱夸奖本人的聪明。哈利跟其别人很久才发现她切实是个很好的人。

  (6)It’s easy to be a rival. It’s difficult to be a compassionate rival. 做别人的敌人很容易,做一个有同情心的敌人却不容易。



  (7)Things are seldom as they appear. Hagrid seemed big and scary and his pets often seemed quite monstrous, but in fact Hagrid was one of the most trustworthy people at the school, and his pets were loving creatures. 人和事不都是他们名义上的那样。海格又高达又吓人,他的宠物都是些怪兽,但实际上他是哈利在学校最值得信任的友人,他的宠物实在也都挺可恶的。

  (8)Alliances are important. There are a lot of alliances throughout the Harry Potter story. People create alliances for strength or to change the way things are. 盟友是重要的。在哈利·波特的故事里有良多种不同的盟友。人们是为了壮大力量或者改变事物而结盟的。



  (9)Alliances can be dangerous. When you are allies with a group of people, your fates are intertwined. You are sharing your vulnerable spots, and it’s easy for things to go awry. That is not to say you should avoid alliances, but you must choose carefully to avoid harm. 盟友又是危险的。当你和一群人结盟时,你们的福气就交织了。你会袒露你的弱点,事件很轻易转变。不过这样不象征着你就应该不结盟,但你要警戒地做出决定,躲避危险。

  (10)Two friends can be better than a host. In the end, Ron and Hermione were enough to sustain Harry through the hardest parts of his journey. 两个友人有时胜过一帮。在故事的最后,罗恩和赫敏俩人就足够陪伴哈利挺过最艰难的旅程了。

  (11)Sometimes you have to let people help you even if you feel like you can do everything yourself.有时你要让其余人帮助你,即便你觉得你自己一个人能行。

  (12)You never know a person’s full story or rationale for doing things, We can’t reside in peoples’ heads. Even Snape had problems with that.你不可能完全知道别人做事的起因跟故事。咱们不是别人肚子里的蛔虫。对斯内普这个人就是这样。



  (13)Don’t ask others to do what you wouldn’t do yourself. The story would have been quite different if Harry had said, “Yeah…you guys go fight the dark lord. I’m just uh…I’m just gonna chill here I think.”己所不欲勿施于人。如果哈利说“恩,你们去和伏地魔战斗……我要在这里冷静地想想”那么故事就会很不一样了。



  (14)Look for people who can balance you somehow. Harry’s darkness was balanced by Ron’s impish sense of humor. His passion was balanced by Hermione’s logic.学英语口语电影的经典台词:找那些能与你互补的人为友。罗恩的幽默平衡了哈利的阴郁。他的热情又和赫敏互补了。



  (15)The people who are there for you in the dark times and who are there to celebrate with you when you succeed – those are the people you want and need in your corner.在低谷时陪同你,在高处时与你同乐——这才是你需要的最亲密的朋友。



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