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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:58:23


  Christy跟Mrs.Wolowitz吵架, Howard插嘴不上只好离开,正好遇上前来找他玩Halo的Sheldon一伙人.



  CHRlSTY: I'm just saying you can take the damn plastic off the couch once in a while.



  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: Why, so you and Howard can hump on it?

  HOWARD: Ladies, ladies, I'm sure there's a middle ground.



  CHRlSTY: Shut up, Howard!

  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: Shut up, Howard!

  HOWARD: You guys talk. I'll take my scooter out for a little spin.



  CHRlSTY: Are you happy? You drove your son out of the house.



  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: Why don't you stop butting in where you don’t belong?



  HOWARD: What are you guys doing here? -It's "Halo" night.

  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: He's not a man, he's a putz. And don't you take that tone with me, you gold digger.



  CHRlSTY: What did you call me?



  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: You heard me. And I'll tell you, you're barking up the wrong tree. Because as long as you're around, Howard is out of the will.



  CHRlSTY: You know what, I got better offers. I'm out of here.



  MRS. WOLOWlTZ: That's right. Go back to Babylon, you whore.

  HOWARD: So "Halo" night, huh?






  1. middle groundn.折中的办法,旁边立场.

  Your demand is too high, but if we can reach some middle ground we might have a deal.你的恳求太高了,不过,假如咱们能达成协调,或者可能成交。

  2. for a spin开车兜风, 面对两个可恶的女人争吵, Howard只好骑着他的“小绵羊”无奈地出去兜风了

  3. drove sb out of将某人驱逐出



  4. butting in 插手插嘴干涉

  Amy loves to butt in and offer her advice even when it's not wanted. 不管机遇对过错,艾米都喜好插嘴供应见解。



  5. Don't take that tone with me别用那样的强调跟我谈话.

  Don't take that tone with me, what happened isn't my fault.别用那样的音调跟我讲话,发生那样的事不是我的错。



  6. barking up the wrong tree攻打错了目标;找错对象的口语对话材料经典句子.

  7. as long as 只有

  8. Offer 工作后都知道一旦拿到offer就表现找到工作啦. 在这, Christy表示自己有更多决定.

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