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线话英语|2015-05-08 17:24:39


  英语口语和听力的锻炼开始呀。这首由The Lonely Island联手Maroon 5主唱Adam Levine跟Kendrick Lamar带来说唱单曲YOLO,mv中Adam Levine当厨师好萌哦~多人配合使歌曲听起来带来多品位的丰富感,另外,歌曲的曲调很青春活泼。

英语口语和听力The Lonely Island联手Adam&Kendrick带来说唱单曲YOLO】


You only live once
The battle cry of a generation
This life is a precious gift
So don’t get too crazy, it’s not worth the risk
[Hook 1]
You know that we are still young
So don’t be dumb
Don’t trust anyone
‘Cause you only live once
You only live once, that’s the motto
So take a chill pill, ease off the throttle  
Never go to loud clubs ‘cause it’s bad for your ears
Your friends will all be sorry when they can’t hear
And stay the hell away from drugs ‘cause they&rsquore not legal
Then bury all your money in the backyard like a Beagle
‘Cause you should never trust a bank, they’ve been known to fail
And never travel by car or bus, boat or by rail
And don’t travel by plane and don’t travel at all
Built a bomb shelter basement with titanium walls
And wear titanium suits in case pianos fall on ya
And never go in saunas ‘cause they’re crawling with piranhas
And never take the stairs ‘cause they’re often unsafe
You only live once, don’t let it go to waste


由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com