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Taylor Swift“年度最佳艺人”的英汉互译在线翻译句子

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:38:14



Less than two weeks after scoring the top prize at the Country Music Association Awards, Taylor Swift took home the night's biggest honor, artist of the year, at the American Music Awards.刚失掉“城市音乐协会奖”最高奖项不到两周的Taylor Swift又在“全美音乐奖”把当晚最大的名誉——“最佳年度艺人”收入囊中。
The award was Swift's third of the evening -- she had previously won favorite country female artist and favorite country album -- but she appeared shocked when her name was called for the big prize.这个奖已是Swift当晚拿到的第三个奖了——之前她还获得了“最受欢迎乡村女歌手”跟“最佳城市音乐专辑”——然而当听到这么一个大奖颁给自己时,她还是表现出了极大的震惊的英汉互译在线翻译句子。
"This is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me!" an incredulous Taylor said. "Fans, please never change. I can't believe this is happening to me!" Repeating "Oh my God" numerous times, Taylor thanked her fans profusely, as well as her friend Selena Gomez.“这是发生在我身上最猖獗的一件事了!”不敢信赖事实的Taylor说:“喜好我的粉丝们,请你们不离不弃。我真不敢信任这个奖会落到我头上!”她重复了N次“我的天呐”,并多次感谢本人的歌迷和挚友人Selena Gomez。
Adele was also a three-time winner on Sunday night's telecast, but two of her awards -- favorite adult contemporary artist and favorite pop/rock female artist -- weren't given out on camera. On camera, she won for favorite pop/rock album for her multi-million-selling smash "21", but sadly wasn't able to be there to accept it, since she's recovering from vocal cord surgery.Adele也是周日当晚电视广播的三大奖项的赢家,然而其中两个奖项——“最受欢迎当代成人艺术家”和“最受欢送风行/摇滚女歌手”——并不在镜头前颁发。在电视上颁发给她的是“最受欢迎盛行/摇滚专辑”(猖狂畅销数百万的《21》),但很可惜她没能亲自去领奖,因为刚做完声带手术的她正在休养恢复中。
Other winners included Rihanna and Beyonce -- both of whom accepted their awards via video message, since they weren't there -- plus Lady Antebellum, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars and Hot Chelle Rae, who was named Sprint New Artist of the Year. In addition, Katy Perry was given a special award of achievement for being the first woman ever to score five 1 hits from a single album. The only other artist who had ever done that was Michael Jackson.获奖者还包括了Rihanna和Beyonce(由于二人都未亲临现场,所以他们通过视频接受了奖项),以及Lady Antebellum, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars和失掉了“年度最具潜力新人奖”的Hot Chelle Rae。另外,Katy Perry成为了第一位取得特别奖项“一专五冠奖”的女歌手。在她之前只有Michael Jackson拿过此奖。
The closing number was an over-the-top performance by LMFAO, who turned the Nokia L.A. Live Theatre into a giant dance club with a medley of "Party Rock Anthem" and "Sexy and I Know It" that featured guest appearances by Justin Bieber and David Hasselhoff.压轴曲由LMFAO带来High翻全场的表演,他们和Justin Bieber、David Hasselhoff联袂演绎的《Party Rock Anthem》跟《Sexy and I Know It》两首歌曲的串烧,把全体洛杉矶诺基亚剧院都变成了一个大舞池。
Of note, Adam Lambert returned to the AMA stage Sunday night for the first time since his scandalously sexy performance on the show in 2009 caused him to be banned from the network for a brief time. 英汉互译在线翻译句子为值得一提的是,Adam Lambert 这次也重返舞台。在2009年的全美音乐奖颁奖现场,他曾因为表演尺度太大,而受到一段时间的网络封杀。

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