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整个句子翻译:Taylor Swift着蓝色露肩裙拍摄海报

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:38:13



Soundly keeping a hand in many investments, Taylor Swift is about to release her third signature fragrance.整个句子翻译在很多方面都进行了投资的泰勒·斯威夫特即将推出个人的第三款香水。

On the heels of Wonderstruck and Wonderstruck Enchanted, Taylor by Taylor Swift is described by the country crooner as "a mix of a lot of things: It’s sweet, it’s sophisticated, it draws you in. It’s really my way of translating classic, yet modern, into a perfume.整个句子翻译为"继前两款香水Wonderstruck跟Wonderstruck Enchanted推出之后,泰勒这样描述她个人的第三款香水Taylor by Taylor Swift,“这款香水综合了良多事物:它甜美、精致、可能吸引你,这就是我把古典与古代感融合在一款香水里的方式。”


Explaining how this scent is different, the 23-year-old musician shares, "My first two fragrances were more about fairytales, but this fragrance is more about my own style, so I wanted the name to be more personal."当说明到这款香水的香味如何不同时,这位23岁的歌手说,“前两款香水多是与童话有关,然而这款香水更体现我本人的风格,因此我欲望以自己的名字来命名它。”

With a bottle adorned with pearls, Taylor explains, "I hope that wearing this fragrance makes fans feel that any look can be classic and chic."该款香水的瓶盖上有一个巨大的水晶球,四处用珍珠装饰着。泰勒阐明说,“我渴望粉丝们在涂上这款香水后能够觉得到,任何面孔的人都可能既经典又时尚。”等往期资料整个句子翻译内容。

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