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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:44:50


Their love for one another has never been in doubt, but Angelina Jolie has apparently reinforced the depth of her feelings for Brad Pitt by buying him his very own heart shaped island.英文译汉翻译为:诚然安吉丽娜·朱莉与布拉德·皮特这对影坛佳人从未对彼此的爱有过猜疑,但朱莉显然是要增进与爱人的感情,在皮特50岁生日来临之际,朱莉为他买下了一座心形小岛。

The actress has reportedly paid £12.2 million for secluded Petra as Brad prepares to celebrate his 50th birthday on December 18.英文译汉:据报道称,由于布拉德·皮特打算在12月18日庆祝自己50岁诞辰,安吉丽娜·朱莉斥资1220万英镑(约1.2亿公民币)为其在安静的佩特拉买下了这座小岛。

Angelina is understood to have snapped up the island, located some 50-miles away from New York City, after discovering its two sprawling properties were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Brad’s favourite architect. 这座心形小岛位于纽约北部,距离海岸线50英里外。外界以为,安吉丽娜在获悉岛上两处豪宅的设计者为布拉德·皮特最钟爱的著名建造师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特时,就购入了这座小岛。


A source told The Mirror: ‘The house is perfect for romantic getaways or as a family retreat.一位知情人士向《镜报》吐露:“这所屋子非常适合二人浪漫度假或家庭出游。

‘It’s very private. And Angelina knows the fact the island is in the shape of a heart will mean so much to him.’“它很私密,并且安吉丽娜认为这个心形状的小岛对皮特来说意思也会很大。”

Petra’s original cottage was erected in 1950, while its larger property was built from one of Wright’s blueprints in 2008 – 48-years after his death.佩特拉原有的平房建于1950年,而其中较大的一座建于2008年,是在赖特去世48年后按其图纸建造的。


The home boasts panoramic views of the surrounding area, ceilings panelled with the finest mahogany and skylights that afford the property plenty of natural lighting.在岛上的这座豪宅中,能够观赏到周边地区的全景,天花板镶板用的是最好的红木,并且配有可能充分自然采光的天窗。

An open porch, complete with a carved wooden bench, gives the owner breath-taking views of the surrounding area, while beneath the building’s stone foundations disappear into the water.开放式的门廊配上雕花木椅,能让人欣赏到令人叹为观止的美景,而房子的地基则深入到水中。


The finer details of its intricate design will not be lost on architecture fan Brad, who once admitted that Frank Lloyd Wright ‘changed his life’.对建筑爱好者布拉德·皮特来说,他也会喜好这座修筑复杂设计中极为精美的细节。他曾经否定,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特“改变了他的终生 ”。

Angelina has previously treated him to a tour of the late architect’s home, Fallingwater, in 2006.在2006年,安吉丽娜也曾与布拉德·皮特一起参观这位已故建造师位于流水别墅的家。

Angelina is currently in Australia while she directs her new film, and she’s understood to have rented a property in Vaucluse, New South Wales.安吉丽娜目前正在澳大利亚执导她的新片,目前租住在新南威尔士州沃克吕兹省的一座别墅。


Owners of The Petra Island, However, denied about the deal.然而,佩特拉岛的现有主人否认了这比交易。

‘I don’t have any idea where that [report about Jolie] came from,’ Donna Massaro, daughter of owners Joseph and Barbara Massaro, told New York Post.The Petra Island went on the market about four months ago but according to the owners there has so far been no potential buyer.“我不知道对朱莉买岛的消息是从哪儿来的。”佩特拉岛现有主人马萨罗夫妇的女儿多娜·马萨罗对《纽约邮报》记者称,佩特拉岛自四个月前上市以来,尚未浮现合适的买主。

Earlier reports claimed the Oscar-winning actress ;arranged a viewing’ and ‘was really impressed’ with this island.早先曾有报道证实,这位奥斯卡获奖女演员曾“赴该岛参观”,对岛上景致“叹为观止”的英文译汉资料。

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