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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:45:39



Some celebrities moan when it takes them three hours to walk around the supermarket to buy a loaf of bread and some milk because they're stalked by adoring fans.有些名人会抱怨他们去超市买块面包跟牛奶都要花费3个小时,因为他们会被爱慕自己的粉丝包抄。

But love for Tom Cruise, 50, reaches a whole new level - the actor was mobbed by devotees during a trip to the Great Wall of China on Thursday.然而粉丝们对50岁的大帅哥汤姆·克鲁斯的爱回升到了一个新境界——阿汤哥周四在中国登长城时被大批拥趸所包围。

Well, yes it is when he's a legendary Hollywood star and he's at the landmark to promote his new film Oblivion which was out in Chinese cinemas on Friday英汉句子翻译为.是的,这位好莱坞传奇明星来到中国的地标建造长城,为上周五在中国上映的新电影《遗忘星球》做宣传。


In Oblivion, set in 2073, Tom plays a former Marine Commander who is a drone repairman still resident on earth despite it's destruction by aliens 60 years earlier.《遗忘星球》的时间背景设定在2073年,阿汤哥在其中饰演了一名前海关指挥官,在地球上修理无人机,而地球已经在60年前被外星人捣毁了。

After meeting a girl he begins to question everything he believes and what he knows about the alien invasion and how Earth came to end.在遇到一个女孩后,他开端对本人原本所确信的事件产生了疑难,并开始质疑自己所知的对外星人入侵地球以及地球是如何灭亡的事实的英汉句子翻译资料。

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