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英语翻译成汉语:用真情实感创作 前男友们躺着也中枪

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:46:08


  很多时候,我们因为爱上某个角色,而喜欢上某个明星。这里面的 区别,很多人已经不去在意了。那么,明星呢?明星往往一个情感动作,都会让人浮想联翩,更加不用思考。今天的英语翻译成汉语往期娱乐报道,就看这一篇。

John Mayer---",Dear John"

Taylor Swift has always sang about her exes -- and John Mayer's recent dig won't stop her! Mayer, 34, slammed Swift's 2010 song, "Dear John," about their brief 2009 relationship in the new issue of Rolling Stone. "It made me feel terrible," he said. "Because I didn't deserve it." "["Dear John" is] cheap songwriting," Mayer told Rolling Stone. "It's abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, 'Wait til he gets a load of this!' That's bulls--t." He added angrily, "It was a really lousy thing to do."


But Swift, 22, has always defended her right to sing about her exes. In Us Weekly's 2010 special collector's issue, Taylor Swift: Inside My World, the singer told Us, "I've always lived by the theory that if a guy doesn't want me to write a bad song about him, he won't do bad things. And he shouldn't, you know?" She added, "I just write from my perspective about how it ended up and what I felt about it."

英语翻译成汉语为美国盛行歌手John Mayer大略是前男友中受声讨最厉害的那位。日前他甚至直接表示Taylor的歌曲"Dear John"对他是一种羞辱。据称她歌中写的负心前男友正是他。“我觉得糟透了,但我不该被说成那样。当初的我相当负任务,我也素来没做过任何该受斥责的事,她这样写我切实不厚道。”

Joe Jonas---"Forever and Always"
And Mayer certainly isn't the only ex that Swift has sung about. She wrote "Forever and Always" about Joe Jonas, who famously dumped her during a 25-second phone call in late 2008. "It's alright, I'm cool," she later told Ellen DeGeneres. "You know what it's like, when I find that person that is right for me, he'll be wonderful. ... When I look at that person, I'm not even going to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18. ... I looked at the call log —- it was like 27 seconds. That's got to be a record."

John Mayer可不是唯一被Taylor在歌词中抱怨的前任。乔纳斯兄弟的主唱Joe Jonas也曾与Taylor相恋,但后来劈腿并在电话中以创纪录27秒的时间甩掉Taylor,两人的恋情结束。"Forever & Always"就是对此事。


Taylor Lautner---"Back to December"
In 2010, she released the song "Back to December" on her Speak Now album -- which revamped her romance with the Twilight Saga's Taylor Lautner. "This is about a person who was incredible to me -- just perfect to me in a relationship -- and I was really careless with him," she said in a preview video for the song.

Taylor Lautner是前男友中少数不被鞭笞的那位。两人在出演电影《情人节》时擦出火花,男生好像喜好得更多一些,两人的感情很难进展下去。所以两人的关系短短持续了三个月而宣布告吹。后来小美女也将自己的歉意写在"Back To December"中。


Jake Gyllenhaal---?
And a source tells Us that a song about Swift's most recent breakup with Jake Gyllenhaal will be included on her new album. The Source Code actor split with the country singer during the 2010 holiday season after an intense three months together. "There's just been this earth-shattering, not recent, but absolute crash-and-burn heartbreak," she told Vogue magazine, "and that will turn out to be what the next album is about."

Taylor最近的一次分辨是与好莱坞著名男星Jake Gyllenhaal。两人从2010年10月约会到12月,恋情也仅坚持了三个月。至于这背地的故事,兴许就要等Taylor的新专辑告诉咱们答案了的英语翻译成汉语资料。 


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