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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:46:46



Justin Bieber fans can’t help their obsession – it’s hardwired into their brain, says a leading neuroscientist.

According to Professor Daniel Levitin ‘Bieber Fever’ (symptoms include screaming, fainting and constantly tracking the teen idol on Twitter) is a real physical compulsion.

When ‘Beliebers’ – as Bieber’s 44 million fans are known – listen repeatedly to his music, a chemical responsible for feelings of pleasure is released in their brains.

‘It triggers a rush of dopamine, the neurotransmitter stimulated by lots of other pleasurable activities such as orgasms or eating chocolate,’ Professor Levitin said last week.

The neuroscientist, of McGill University, Montreal, added: ‘Dopamine is released at much lower levels by music than, say, the use of drugs and the result usually is an obsession, in which you require more and more Justin Bieber.’


一张稚气未脱的帅气脸庞,全体人散发出青春无敌的迷人风采,盛行歌手贾斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)凭借一曲《Baby》成功占据全球无数少女粉丝的心。加拿大马吉尔大学神经科学家莱维汀对这股不思议的偶像浪潮投入研究,他竟语出惊人地表示,在寰球掀起的“贾斯汀比伯汀热(Bieber Fever)切实是一种病。症状包括尖叫、晕厥,以及一直追踪贾斯汀·比伯的推特状况,粉丝们对他的重度迷恋,甚至无奈自我操纵,而且已经深深嵌入脑中。

莱维汀说,当贾斯汀比伯寰球4400万粉丝始终重复聆听他的歌曲时,大脑会释出一种让人发生愉悦感的化学物质多巴胺(dopamine)。“Justin Bieber的音乐促使多巴胺激增,而多巴胺是一种透过像是:性高潮或吃巧克力等行為刺激而產生的神经传递质。”不过,藉由音乐产生的多巴胺,并不如服用药物所得到的刺激强烈,因此常常使人陷入着迷状态,进而对贾斯汀比伯的所有充满欲望等中英文句子翻译资料。

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