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线话英语|2015-05-11 15:51:54


      The Hare and the Hedgehog

      Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm 内容来自www. .com

      This story was actually made up, young ones, but it really is true, for my grandfather, who told it to me, always said whenever he told it, "it must be true, my son, otherwise it couldn't be told." Anyway, this is how the story goes: 内容来自www. .com

      It was on a Sunday morning at harvest time, just when the buckwheat was in bloom. The sun was shining bright in the heaven, the morning wind was blowing warmly across the stubble, the larks were singing in the air, the bees were buzzing in the buckwheat, and the people in their Sunday best were on their way to church, and all the creatures were happy, including the hedgehog.



      The hedgehog was standing before his door with his arms crossed, humming a little song to himself, neither better nor worse than hedgehogs usually sing on a nice Sunday morning. Singing there to himself, half silently, it suddenly occurred to him that while his wife was washing and drying the children, he could take a little walk into the field and see how his turnips were doing. The turnips were close by his house, and he and his family were accustomed to eating them, so he considered them his own.

      No sooner said than done. The hedgehog closed the house door behind him and started down the path to the field. He hadn't gone very far away from his house at all, only as far as the blackthorn bush which stands at the front of the field, near the turnip patch, when he met up with the hare, who had gone out for a similar purpose, namely to examine his cabbage.

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      When the hedgehog saw the hare, he wished him a friendly good morning. The hare, however, who was in his own way a distinguished gentleman, and terribly arrogant about it, did not answer the hedgehog's greeting, but instead said to the hedgehog, in a terribly sarcastic manner, "How is it that you are running around in the field so early in the morning?" CopyRight .com

      "I'm taking a walk," said the hedgehog. CopyRight .com

      "Taking a walk?" laughed the hare. "I should think that you could better use your legs for other purposes." CopyRight .com

      This answer made the hedgehog terribly angry, for he could stand anything except remarks about his legs, for by nature they were crooked.

      "Do you imagine," said the hedgehog to the hare, "that you can accomplish more with your legs?"

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      "I should think so," said the hare.

      "That would depend on the situation," said the hedgehog. "I bet, if we were to run a race, I'd pass you up."

      "That is a laugh! You with your crooked legs!" said the hare. "But for all I care, let it be, if you are so eager. What will we wager?"

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      "A gold louis d'or and a bottle of brandy," said the hedgehog.

      "Accepted," said the hare. "Shake hands, and we can take right off." CopyRight .com

      "No, I'm not in such a hurry," said the hedgehog. "I'm very hungry. First I want to go home and eat a little breakfast. I'll be back here at this spot in a half hour."

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      The hare was agreeable with this, and the hedgehog left.

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      On his way home the hedgehog thought to himself, "The hare is relying on his long legs, but I'll still beat him. He may well be a distinguished gentleman, but he's still a fool, and he'll be the one to pay." 内容来自www. .com

      Arriving home, he said to his wife, "Wife, get dressed quickly. You've got to go out to the field with me."

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      "What's the matter?" said his wife.

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      "I bet a gold louis d'or and a bottle of brandy with the hare that I could beat him in a race, and you should be there too."

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      "My God, man," the hedgehog's wife began to cry, "are you mad? Have you entirely lost your mind? How can you agree to run a race with the hare?"



      "Hold your mouth, woman," said the hedgehog. "This is my affair. Don't get mixed up in men's business. Hurry up now, get dressed, and come with me."

      What was the hedgehog's wife to do? She had to obey, whether she wanted to or not.

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      As they walked toward the field together, the hedgehog said to his wife, "Now pay attention to what I tell you. You see, we are going to run the race down the long field. The hare will run in one furrow and I in another one. We'll begin running from up there. All you have to do is to stand here in the furrow, and when the hare approaches from the other side, just call out to him, 'I'm already here.'" CopyRight .com

      With that they arrived at the field, the hedgehog showed his wife her place, then he went to the top of the field. When he arrived the hare was already there. CopyRight .com

      "Can we start?" said the hare. 内容来自www. .com

      "Yes, i

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  ndeed," said the hedgehog. "On your mark!" And each one took his place in his furrow.

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      The hare counted "One, two, three," and he tore down the field like a windstorm. But the hedgehog ran only about three steps and then ducked down in the furrow and remained there sitting quietly.

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      When the hare, in full run, arrived at the bottom of the field, the hedgehog's wife called out to him, "I'm already here!"



      The hare, startled and bewildered, thought it was the hedgehog himself, for as everyone knows, a hedgehog's wife looks just like her husband.

      The hare thought, "Something's not right here." He called out, "Let's run back again!" And he took off again like a windstorm, with his ears flying from his head. But the hedgehog's wife remained quietly in place.

      When the hare arrived at the top, the hedgehog called out to him, "I'm already here!"(友情提醒:在阅读英语的过程中注意标记生字词)

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      The hare, beside himself with excitement, shouted, "Let's run back again!" CopyRight .com

      "It's all right with me," answered the hedgehog. "For all I care, as often as you want." 内容来自www. .com

      So the hare ran seventy-three more times, and the hedgehog always kept up with him. Each time the hare arrived at the top or the bottom of the field, the hedgehog or his wife said, "I am already here!" CopyRight .com

      But the hare did not complete the seventy-fourth time. In the middle of the field, with blood flowing from his neck, he fell dead to the ground. CopyRight .com

      The hedgehog took the gold louis d'or and the bottle of brandy he had won, called his wife from her furrow, and happily they went back home. CopyRight .com

      And if they have not died, then they are still alive.

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      Thus it happened that the hedgehog ran the hare to death on the Buxtehude Heath, and since that time no hare has agreed to enter a race with a hedgehog.

      The moral of this story is, first, that no one, however distinguished he thinks himself, should make fun of a lesser man, even if this man is a hedgehog. And second, when a man marries, it is recommended that he take a wife from his own class, one who looks just like him. In other words, a hedgehog should always take care that his wife is also a hedgehog, and so forth.



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      这故事是这样的。在收获节令的一个星期天早上,荞麦花开得正盛,阳光明媚,大风温煦地吹拂着田间的草梗,云雀在空中欢唱,蜜蜂在荞麦间嗡嗡地飞来飞去,人们正穿着盛装去教堂做星期。万物欢喜,刺蝟也不例外。 CopyRight .com

      刺蝟正双手叉腰,靠门站着,享受这清晨的大风,安闲地哼着小曲,这首歌和他平时礼拜天早上唱的歌不甚么两样。他安闲地半哼半唱着,突然想起了要趁自己的女人正给孩子们洗澡的当儿,去看看他的萝卜长势如何。这些萝卜切实并不是他的,只是离他家很近,他和他的家人就司空见惯地靠吃这些萝卜度日,他也理所当然地把它当成是他自己的了。说干就干,只见他关上身后的门,随即就踏上了去萝卜地的路。他在离家不远的地方绕过了地边仅有的一丛灌木,正准备到地里去时,他看到了为同样目的出门的野兔,他也想去看看自己的白菜长得怎么了。刺蝟看到野兔时友好地和他道了声早安,但野兔自以为是位不同寻常的绅士,表现得无比傲慢无礼,连刺蝟的问候也不搭理,只是以一种很鄙弃的态度对刺蝟说:「你怎么这么一大清早就在地边跑?」「我在散步。」刺蝟说。「漫步?」野兔微微一笑,「我想你可能用你的腿干点更好的事吧。」刺蝟听到这回答非常气愤,他所有都可忍受,只有自己的腿不能提,因为大自然给了他一双短短的弯腿。於是他对野兔说:「你认为你的腿能比我的腿派上更大的用途?」「我正是这样认为的。」野兔说。「这个我们可以验证一下,我打赌如果我们赛跑,我一定会赛过你。」刺蝟说道。「真是风趣,瞧你那对短短的腿。不过我倒很乐意,既然你有这种荒诞的主张,我们来赌点甚么呢?」野兔说道。「一个金路易和一瓶白兰地。」刺蝟说道。「一言为定。」野兔说。「来,击掌为证,我们当初就可以开始。」「不,」刺蝟说,「没必要这么急嘛,我还没吃过早饭呢!我得先回家,吃完饭。半小时后我就会回来。」(友情提醒:注意在阅读英语的过程中和您自己翻译有什么区别)CopyRight .com



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      当野兔全速冲到那头时,刺蝟的女人迎了上去,叫道:「我早就在这里了。」野兔大吃一惊,十分奇怪。由於刺蝟的女人长得跟刺蝟一样,他以为除了刺蝟外没人会叫他。然而,野兔想:「这不公平。」於是叫道,「再跑一次,咱们得从新来一次。」他又一次像风一样往前跑了,他看起来像是在飞。但刺蝟的女人仍安定悄悄地呆在那儿。当野兔跑到菜地的顶端时,刺蝟就在那儿对他叫道:「我早就在这里了。」这下野兔可气坏了,叫道:「重跑一次,我们再来一次。」「没问题,」刺蝟答道,「对我来说,你乐意跑多少次都行。」於是野兔又跑了七十三次,刺蝟总是奉陪着。每次野兔跑到底端或顶端时,刺蝟和他的女人总叫:「我早就在这里了。」 内容来自www. .com










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