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英语四级练习题: 非谓语动词专项练习和答案讲解

线话英语|2015-05-11 16:25:28


  1. The first textbooks _______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.


  A. having written                             B. to be written


  C. being written                               D. written


  2. —You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.


  —Well, now I regret _______ that.

  A. to do             B. to be doing         C. to have done      D. having done


  3. We agreed _______ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

  A. having met     B. meeting              C. to meet             D. to have met

  4. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______. 内容来自

  A. not to            B. not to do            C. not do it            D. do not do

  5. Paul doesn’t have to be made _______. He always works hard.


  A. learn              B. to learn              C. learned              D. learning

  6. _______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.


  A. Losing           B. Having lost          C. Lost                D. To lost

  7. The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation. 内容来自

  A. to eat not        B. eating not           C. not to eat          D. not eating 内容来自

  8. The Olympic Games, _______ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.


  A. first playing                                 B. to be first played 


  C. first played                                  D. to be first playing

  9. I would love _______ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

  A. to go                B. to have gone     C. going                  D. having gone CopyRight .com

  10. European football is played in 80 countries, _______ it the most popular sport in the world.

  A. making            B. makes               C. made                  D. to make

  11. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _______ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”


  A. read                  B. reads               C. to read                D. reading

  12. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _______ it more difficult. CopyRight .com

  A. not make            B. not to make     C. not making          D. do not make


  13. Robert is said _______ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

  A. to have studied                              B. to study


  C. to be studying                               D. to have been studying

  14. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______ the next year. CopyRight .com

  A. carried out        B. carrying out       C. carry out              D. to carry out

  15. _______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

  A. Having suffered                             B. Suffering CopyRight .com

  C. To suffer                                      D. Suffered 内容来自

  16. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it.


  A. to see     B. to be seen           C. seeing                D. seen

  17. The research is so designed that once _______ nothing can be done to change it.


  A. begins              B. having begun      C. beginning           D. begun


  18. It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows _______. 内容来自

  A. it what to do with                           B. what to do it with


  C. what to do with it                           D. to do what with it


  19. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen.

  A. smoke             B. smoking              C. to smoke           D. smoked


  20. She looks forward every spring to _______ the flower-lined garden.

  A. visit                 B. paying a visit       C. walk in              D. walking in

  21. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _______.


  A. to send             B. for sending it      C. to send it to        D. for sending it to

  22. —What do you think made Mary so upset?

  —_______ her new bike. 内容来自

  A. As she lost        B. Lost                   C. Losing               D. Because of losing

  23. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _______.


  A. 20 dollars remained                          B. 20 dollars to remain


  C. remained 20 dollars                          D. remaining 20 dollars CopyRight .com

  24. There are five pairs _______, but I’m at a loss which to choose.


  A. to be chosen                                   B. to choose from


  C. to choose                                       D. for choosing


  25. _______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.


  A. Being founded                                 B. It was founded

  C. Founded                                         D. Founding


  26. Fishing is his favorite hobby, and _______.


  A. he’d like to collect coins as well         B. he feels like collecting coins, too

  C. to collect coins is also his hobby        D. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure

  27. Finding her car stolen, _______.


  A. a policeman was asked to help          B. the area was searching thoroughly

  C. it was looked for everywhere            D. she hurried to a policeman for help


  28. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving _______ their products more competitive.


  A. to make              B. making            C. to have made   D. having made

  29. Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.


  A. lacked                 B. lacking of        C. lacking           D. lacked in

  30. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _______ road conditions need _______.


  A. that; to be improved                         B. which; to be improved


  C. where; improving                             D. when; improving


  31. The discovery of new evidence led to _______.


  A. the thief having caught                     B. catch the thief

  C. the thief being caught                       D. the thief to be caught


  32. _______ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.


  A. Given              B. To give               C. Giving                 D. Having given

  33. The picture _______ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

  A. having hung      B. hanging               C. hangs                D. being hung 内容来自

  34. Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.


  A. admit                B. admitted              C. admitting           D. to admit


  35. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _______ some schools for poor children.


  A. set up               B. setting up             C. have set up       D. having set up

  36. _______ late in the afternoon, Bob turned off the alarm.

  A. To sleep              B. Sleeping              C. Sleep               D. Having


  37. With a lot of difficult problems _______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.


  A. settled                B. setting                 C. to settle            D. being settled


  38. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _______ for another hour.


  A. waiting                B. to wait               C. wait                  D. to be waiting


  39. In order to make our city green, _______.

  A. it is necessary to have planted more trees  B. many more trees need to plant


  C. our city needs more trees                        D. we must plant more trees

  40. —How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?


  —The key _______ the problem is to meet the demand _______ by the customers.

  A. to solving, making                                 B. to solving, made

  C. to solve, making                                    D. to solve, made

  41. The teacher asked us _______ so much noise.

  A. don’t make             B. not make            C. not making          D. not to make


  42. _______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

  A. Having given           B. To give              C. Giving                 D. Given


  43. He looked around and caught a man _______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.


  A. put         B. to be putting   C. to put         D. putting



  1. D。表示“被动、完成”用过去分词作定语。



  2. D。regret doing sth 表示对已经发生的事觉得“后悔”;regret to say / tell / inform / announce 用以报告令人不快之事,表示对将要说的话感到“遗憾、抱歉”,主语通常是 I / we, regret 用个别当初时。



  3. C。agree 只能接不定式,在谓语动之后发生,用畸形式,选 C。 内容来自

  4. A。英语四级练习题讲解根据句型 tell sb (not) to do sth,排除 C 和 D;当不定式的动词是前面已浮现过的相同的动词时,为避免重复,通常省略 to 后的内容,只保留 to, 所以只有 A 对。 CopyRight .com

  5. B。make sb do sth 的被动式为 sb be made to do sth(某人被迫做某事)。



  6. C。考察从前分词作状语。Lost in thought=As he was lost in thought。be lost in thought(沉思)是固定搭配;这类习惯表白还有 be caught in the rain(遭雨淋), be dressed in red(穿着红衣), be seated(就座)等。 内容来自

  7. C。本句是 warn sb (not) to do sth 的被动式。



  8. C。因 The Olympic games 与 play 是被动关系,打消 A 跟 D;不定式的被动式,表示未来的动作,排除 B。表示“被动、完成”,用过去分词。



  9. B。would love / like 后面只能接不定式,消除 C 跟 D。表示过去未曾实现的愿望,后接不定式实现式,故选 B。 CopyRight .com

  10. A。现在分词作结果状语。



  11. D。 句中 read 意为“有某字样”,a message pinned to the door 意为“钉在门上的一张纸条”,a message 与 read 是自动关系,因而用当初分词。 CopyRight .com

  12. B。考核非谓语动词的构造均衡性。not to make it more difficult是与 to make it easier 形成对比的否定结构,两者在句中作表语。 CopyRight .com

  13. A。由 studied 可知,他曾到国外留过学,“留学”这个动作已结束并产生在谓语动作(is said)之前,所以要用实现式。



  14. A。此句结构复杂,句中的 that 勾引一个定语从句,它代表 the plan 并在从句中作 see 的宾语,the plan 与 carry out 是被动关系,因此,用过去分词作宾补。即卻ee the plan carried out the next year.



  15. A。句意为“这条河已经遭受如此重大的沾染,现在要想清理兴许为时已晚了”。suffer 发生在 clean up 之前,且有 already 暗示,无疑要用现在分词的完成式作状语。



  16. B。remain 作“尚需”解,要接不定式作表语,see 与 it(情势主语,指whether they will enjoy it)是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式的英语四级练习题讲解。

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  17. D。“连词+分词”作状语,依然由句子主语与分词的关系来判断,主动关系用现在分词,被动关系用过去分词。the research 与 begin 是被动关系,用过去分词 begun。 CopyRight .com

  18. C。do with 与 what 连用是一个很有用的结构,可能表示“处置”、“利用”等。



  19. B。find 后可接现在分词或过去分词作补语,但不接不定式。he 与 smoke 是主动关系,用 -ing 形式作补语,故选 B。



  20. D。look forward to 中 to 是介词,后接动词要用动名词。若选 B,应在其后加 to 才行。

  21. C。不定式作定语,the person 是 send it 的对象,可理解为 to send it to the person。 CopyRight .com

  22. C。用完整的句子应这样回答:Losing her new bike made Mary so upset.



  23. D。因为 remain 是不迭物动词,其过去分词无被动含意,所以要用 remaining(剩下的) 作定语,修饰 20 dollars。



  24. B。句意是“有五双可供决定,我拿不定主意从中筛选哪一双”,而不是取舍五双。



  25. C,英语学习网站。Harvard(哈佛大学)与 found(建立)是被动关联,且早在1636年已建破,故用从前分词。 CopyRight .com

  26. D。考查非谓语动词的结构平衡性。因 and 连接两个并列的简单句,前一分句用-ing 形式作主语,后一分句也应用 -ing 形式作主语。



  27. D。非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。Finding her car stolen 的逻辑主语显然是 she,故选 D。意为:她发现她的车被人偷了,她就赶紧报警求援。 CopyRight .com

  28. A。不定式作目的状语。“使产品更具竞争性”是“正在努力的目的”。

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  29. C。“连词+分词”作状语。his parents 与 lack money(缺钱)是自动关系,又因为 lack 是及物动词,不用介词,故选C。 内容来自

  30. A。that 引导的从句与 problem 是同位语。need, want, require 等表现“(某物)需要做某事”时,后接动名词的主动式或接不定式的被动式都能够。

  31. C。lead to(导致、使)中的 to 是介词,后接动名词;逻辑主语 the thief 与catch 是被动关系,故选 C。

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  32. A。given 作介词,意为“鉴于、考虑到”,可接名词或 that 从句。

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  33. B。hang 表示“吊挂”时,可用作及物或不迭物动词,此处填 hanging 或 hung 均可,但不能填 being hung,由于它表示动作正在进行,而此处表示的是一种悬挂的状态。



  34. A。介词后接动词一般要用动名词,但 but / except 等介词后却可以接不定式,前面有举动动词 do 时不带 to,无 do 时要带 to。



  35. B。devote卼o?把…贡献给…;致力于…)中 to 是介词,应接-ing 形式;all 是 devote 的宾语,he had 是省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句,润饰 all。留心,千万不要以为 had to 是“不得不”,后接动词原形,而去选 A,那就中了命题人的圈套了。

  36. A。不定式作目的状语。句意为:为了下战书多睡一会,Bob 关掉了闹钟。



  37. C。“新入选的总统日子不好过”是因为“有良多问题要解决”,表示“有…要…”用不定式作定语。



  38. A。mean to do 打算做,mean doing 象征着。句意为:在英国的某些地方搭不上公共汽车象征着要再等一个小时。 CopyRight .com

  39. D。“使城市绿化”是“咱们(we)”的目标。 内容来自

  40. B。key to(…的关键)中 to 是介词,应接动名词;又因名词 demand 与 make 是被动关系(make demands 提出恳求),另有 by 这一标志词暗示,用过去分词作定语。         内容来自

  41. D。ask,tell, want 等后要接带 to 的不定式作宾补,其否认式是在不定式前加 not。即 ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(不要)做某事。



  42. D。give 与其逻辑主语 he 是动宾关系,用过去分词,故选 D,Given time=If he is given time。



  43. D。英语四级练习题讲解catch sb. doing sth. 意为碰巧撞见某人正在做某事。

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