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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:28:51



情感型使动词表示客观事物使人产生情绪上的变革,可能分为下列概念:(1)惊讶(surprise);(2)高兴(delight);(3)恼怒(irritation);(4)干扰(trouble);(5)兴趣(interest);(6)激动(excitement);(7)迷惑(bewilderment);(8)坚信( conviction);( 9)恐吓(fright);(10)厌倦(tiredness)跟(ll)愤怒(anger)。这类动词用于被动语态时,要留心前置词的用法。英语四级复习资料分述如下:




表现“惊奇”概念的感情型使动词,主要有surprise,astonish,astound,amaze,startle, ,stun,dumbfound,shock等的英语四级复习资料,例如: 

78)a.The taste surprised him,it was not as he'd imagined.

b.The taste made him surprised,it was not as he'd imagined.


c.He was surprised by the taste,it was not as he'd imagined.


(这味道使他大出意外,那完整不是他原来想的那样。) 内容来自

79)a.The news astonished everybody.



b.The news made everybody astonished.

c.Everybody was astonished at the news. 

(这个消息使大家觉得惊讶。) CopyRight .com

80)a.Sherlock Holmes astounded Dr Watson with his accurate analysis. 

b.Sherlock Holmes made Dr Watson astounded with his accurate analysis.



c.Dr Watson was astounded by Sherlock Holmes with his accurate analysis.



81)a.Their performance amazed me.

b.I was amazed at/by their performance.





82)a.The explosion startled me out of my sleep. 内容来自

b.I was startled out of my sleep by the explosion.





83)a.The unfairness of their judgment stunned me.

b.I was stunned by the unfairness of their judgment. 



84)a.The strange news completely dumb-founded me.


b.I was completely dumbfounded at/by the strange news.




85)a.The news of her death greatly shocked me.


b.I was greatly shocked at the news of her death


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