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线话英语|2015-09-23 18:48:48

   看不下厚厚的外文名著,我们可以选择更贴近我们生活的小书来护养心灵。名人读好书带您走进《A Short Guide To a Happy Life》的世界。


A Short Guide To a Happy Life


AuthorAnna Quindlen




"Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst longstretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to usunsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most ofus lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now tolive, really live...to love the journey, not thedestination."





Beautiful line:

1.Don't ever confuse the two, your life and your work. That's what I have to say. The second is only a part of the first. Don't ever forget what a friend once wrote to Senator Paul Tsongas when the senator had decided not to run for reelection because he'd been diagnosed with cancer: "No man ever said on his deathbed I wish I had spent more time at the office."

我最想告诉你的就是千万别以为你的工作就是你的人生,前者只是后者的一部分。请把这个小故事谨记在心:我有个朋友,写了封信给因为罹患癌症而决定放弃竞选连任参议员的保罗.聪格斯(Paul Tsongas),信上说:“我从没听过哪过人在临终时感叹说,但愿自己当初多腾点时间来处理公事。” (名人好读书摘录的精读句子)


2.Don't ever forget the words on a postcard that my father sent me last year: "If you win the rat race, you're still a rat."

Or what John Lennon wrote before he was gunned down in the driveway of the Dakota: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."



约翰.列侬(John Lennon) 在达科他州遭枪击身亡之前写下之句话:“在你忙于做一些所谓人生计划的时候,生命正从你身边悄悄流逝。”(名人好读书值得收藏的哲理句子)


3.But you are the only person alive who has sole custody of your life. Your particular life. Your entire life. Not just your life at a desk, or your life on the bus, or in the car, or at the computer. Not just the life of your mind, but the life of your heart. Not just your bank account, but your soul.





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