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线话英语|2016-12-07 18:34:40



Functional and stylish  既时髦又实用。

I think I"ll let you suffer for a while!   我想我会让你难受一阵子的!

You shall be crushed  你将被碾碎!

I will wheep for you  我会悼念你的。

Magic has ruined this land  魔法,已经毁了这块大陆。

Gems hold their edge  宝石们显露着它们的锋芒。

You face unblemished power  你所面对的,是纯净无暇的力量!

From coals to diamonds  璀璨钻石,始于煤炭!

My resonance joins Runeterra  这是……大地的回响……

Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous  呼……这身璀璨的盔甲……有时连我自己的眼睛都会被它晃花!

Emmerald for insight  祖母绿象征着洞察。

Opal for harmony  猫眼石象征着和谐。

Ruby for vigor  红宝石象征着活力。

Brilliantly  要灿烂,要引人夺目。

Zaphire for divinity  蓝宝石象征着神性。

For a good time, call Amber  要象征美好时光,请找琥珀。

You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed   你们只是玻璃制品,一碰就碎。




There is no retreat.  没有退路了。

Welcome the havoc!  迎接浩劫吧!

Destruction approaches  毁灭来临了!

Lavish brutality!  挥霍残忍吧!

Bleed them dry!  放干他们的血!

Chaos will follow  混乱将随后而至。

Who"s next on the chopping block?  谁是砧板上的下一块肉?

Nothing will stop me!  没有什么可以阻止我了!

Nasus cannot escape me forever.  内瑟斯【英雄名】不会永远地从我的手心里逃脱的。

Crikey, look at the size of me!  额滴神啊,瞧瞧我的尺寸!

Cut them down  砍翻他们!

Embrace the jaws of death.  拥抱死亡的血盆大口吧!

I'll leave them in pieces.  我会把他们碎尸万段。

Carnage, carnage!  屠杀,屠杀!

Bask in their blood!  沐浴他们的血液吧!

Light meat, dark meat, it's all the same.  白肉,黑肉,都是好肉。

I'm on a shredded meat diet. I can even help you shave a couple pounds. 我现在只吃碎肉。或许我还可以帮你减个几斤呢。

Come back when you've collected all the bits of yourself.  你们还是把自己身上的碎肉找齐之后再来吧!

What? Do I have someone in my teeth?  啥?有人挂在我的牙齿上么?

As I live, all will die.  我的生存,将给所有人带去死亡。




How noble.  多么高雅。

Ionia shall prevail  艾欧尼亚必将获胜。

Focus your wit and will   集中你的才智和意志。

Victory is assured.   胜利是必然的。

Peace begins within.  和平来自内心。

To conquer oneself is to conquer all.击败自己,就能击败一切。

Hope is the greatest ally.  希望,是最强大的盟友。

Together, we shall triumph   团结起来吧,我们必将凯旋。

Onward, always.  永远向前。

This dress may have been impractical…这件裙子也许有点不切实际。

Negotiations have ended.   谈判结束了。

They will not crush our spirit   他们无法摧毁我们的斗志。

No compromise.  没有妥协的余地。

None will question our resolve  没人能质疑我们的决心。

Where the battle goes, so go I.  哪里有战斗,哪里就有我。

One by one, they will fall. 各个击破,他们必败。

Guess what"s about to hit the fan.  你猜,下一个被扇子打到的会是谁?

An enlightened decision. 真是一个充满悟性的决定。




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