Miss Irish,
Today I want to share with you a book named secret(written by Rhowa Byrne ,an Australian writer).woth reading.hereafter is the whole idea :
1) There is a successful secret hidding in the famous persons, which is a rule "attractation rules-All your goodluck,your dream,your love &relationship will be attracted by your mind;If you really believe what you want ,you will get at last;
2)Some method :visualization of your goal;be of gratitude and stop complaining;
3)DONT SAY "i WILL LOSE WEIGH" BUT SAY "i WILL KEEP 75(EXAMPLE) KG";DONT SAY"i WILL STOP SMOKING"BUT SAY"i WILL DO Sth". The reason is that the god will not distinguish NOt from "To be".
Hope you will realize your dream! jams.li
ID:JamesLi | TUTOR:Irish