• 05-082015
    .Erd859 { display:none; }   你一般是怎样损人?是不是说的最严重的也是骂对方祖宗十八代?美国偶像评委西蒙·考威尔可是把参赛选手骂得狗血喷头却不带一个脏字,可见参加选秀的人需要多大的忍耐力。英语在线学习就让我们来观摩一下这个损人大师的功力吧。   1、  ...
  • 05-082015
    .Pyn428 { display:none; }   日常口语对话1. Do it yourself, then. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   既然如此,你自己来吧。【讲解:别人抱怨你没做好的时候说!】   A: That's not the way I wanted it done.   这可不是我想要的方式。   B: Do...
  • 05-082015
    .Cxb542 { display:none; }   英语日常口语练习1.Did you believe in the tooth fairy when you were a kid? 你小时候相不相信牙仙子? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   老美有一个信仰, 小孩子换牙时, 父母会告诉他把牙齿用信封装好, 放在枕头下, 早上...
  • 05-082015
    .Rcn185 { display:none; }   遇到不可思议的事,愤怒的事,90%的年轻人喜欢蹦出一句“Oh my God!”来表达情绪。那么,除了这一个短语,还有哪些初中英语情景交际中使用频率比较高的英语感叹词呢?快来看看,你都会了吗?   1.Oh my God!   大家都比较熟悉的...
  • 05-082015
    .Xrv109 { display:none; }   口语翻译飞行英文句子:   1.We usually fly in aeroplane. 2.But there are different kinds of machines for flying in.     3.The general term for machines we fly in is aircraft. 4.The types most peop...
  • 05-082015
    .Fzg924 { display:none; }   英语六级翻译提供最真实的翻译材料,在这里你将体验到有关“运动”的翻译练习:   1. Sometimes it is difficult to identify exactly what is a game and what is not. 内容来自   2. For example, football is ...
  • 05-082015
      关于“超市”的英语四级翻译英文版:    1.What happens in a supermarket? 2.Well, first, you will pick up a basket or a trolley.   3.What’s the difference between a basket and a trolley? 4.A basket is used for just a litt...
  • 05-082015
    .Rnp679 { display:none; } 内容来自 英语日常口语练习之购物: 英语日常口语练习英文版:  1. A western supermarket is so unlike what we see in China.   2. In fact, China does not have many real supermarkets outside of the major...
  • 05-082015
    .Voa374 { display:none; }   英语学习资料英文版: 1. Language is one of the major forms of communication between people. 内容来自   2. Speech and writing are the main components of a language. 本文来自:英语之家   3. By introduc...
  • 05-082015
      炎热暑假,就连写作业都是昏昏欲睡。为您减轻您学习的负担。我们提供有关“艺术和艺术家”的4级作文,让您浏览,临摹这种写作方式。不是非常正规,但适用于平常的作文书写。   一、英文版:   这篇作文,对于大部分同学来说,是有一点难度的。不但生字词多,还要见世面广。如...
  • 05-082015
      关于“舞蹈”的初中英语翻译练习:   1. I think that dancing must be one of the oldest forms of entertainment.   2. Yes. Even the most primitive societies had some forms of dance.   3. Originally, dance was to cele...
  • 05-082015
      常用英语口语对话天天练,天天进步。今天的话题是”聊一聊   常用英语口语对话原文:   1. Do you understand computers?   2. Well, I know how to use one, and basically what it can do.   3. So, what is the point of using a compu...
  • 05-082015
    .Yev354 { display:none; } 英语口语练习材料之电影院 英语口语练习材料英文版:   1.What’s the difference between a cinema and a theater? 2.Theaters are generally for live performances. Cinemas are for recorded shows. 本文来自:英语...
  • 05-082015
      美语场景讲授:环境  美语场景讲授:环境 1. What exactly is the environment?   1。环境到底是什么?   2. It’s the world around us.   2。是我们周围的世界。   3. You mean the sky and trees and things like that.   3。...
  • 05-082015
    .Ddz195 { display:none; }   小朋友最爱玩游戏了,那么,关于玩游戏有哪些用得着的句子呢?初中英语翻译教您如何谈论玩游戏。   初中英语翻译英文: 1.How many games can you think of? 2.Well, that depends on what kinds of games you mean. 3....
  • 05-082015
    .Zsm780 { display:none; }   日常英语对话原文:   1. The first toy I remember being given was a doll.   2. You probably had other toys, you know, squeaky tings when you are a baby. 内容来自   3. Maybe. What was...
  • 05-082015
    .Xke670 { display:none; } 我的暑假英语作文  在暑假,吃好的,睡饱的,可是我的暑假英语作文还没有完成呢?别担心,这里为您提供一份暑假英语作文素材,让您轻轻松松的找到写作题材。   一、英文版:   作文也是由一段一段构成的,写好了每一段,还怕我的暑假英语作文...
  • 05-082015
      英语六级翻译英文:   1. The crawl, the backstroke, the breathstoke and the butterfly, what are these?   2. They are the different strokes we can use when swimming.   3. There are others, but these are the main ones...
  • 05-082015
    .Zvy868 { display:none; }   英语口语情景对话原文:   1.Do you know what euphemism is?   2. Sure. It’s when we use a polite word instead of a more accurate one. 内容来自 内容来自   3. That’s right. And I ...
  • 05-082015
      今天,让我们的口语进入有关“死亡”的英语阅读翻译.   英语阅读翻译:   1. It is surprising how different cultures treat death.   2. The ceremonies surrounding it vary from culture to culture, country to country.   3. Even th...