• 05-282014
    北京什刹海招大学生蹬三轮 月薪6千英语够硬
      什刹海景区内的“后海八爷”三轮车队近日开始寻找接班人。他们将目标集中在大学生群体,希望招到高学历的徒弟,传承老北京文化。预计招聘2人,目前正在面试。   “后海八爷”是8位北京籍三轮车夫,他们操着京腔、蹬着三轮,穿梭在胡同中,为游客讲述原汁原味的老北京文化,已...
  • 05-282014
    澳洲双脸连体婴去世近3周大 英语编者:澳洲医疗官员今天表示,连体婴(Hope)和(Faith)已经死亡。这对近3周前出生的连体婴,各有自己的脑袋,脸长得一模一样,但共享一个身体和头颅。赶快关注今天的用英语新闻吧。 澳洲第9电视台(Channel Nine)报导,这对连体女婴离开人世时,...
  • 05-272014
      来吧!我们一起来分享一下最新经典分手台词。   1. “I feel like we’re moving too fast。”   “我觉得我们节奏太快了点。”   If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe seeing/texting each other l...
  • 05-232014
    应中华人民共和国主席习近平邀请,俄罗斯联邦总统普京于2014年5月20日对中华人民共和国进行国事访问。两国元首在上海举行了会晤,会后发表中俄联合声明(joint statement)。 以下为声明部分要点: 在中俄贸易、投资和借贷中扩大中俄本币直接结算规模;加强宏观经济政策领域交...
  • 05-232014
    按照首日收盘价20.9美元计算,刘强东身家达到近60亿美元,晋升亿万富翁行列。 网友“东方白”: 京东昨天在美国纳斯达克上市了,这件事自然也成了科技类媒体关注的焦点。各家报道很多,能不能总结下京东上市的几大看点? 腾讯科技: ...
  • 05-222014
    520是告白日,全国各地情侣扎堆领证。提到结婚,求婚可是必不可少。日前,北京一小伙靠着求婚新三大件赢得美人心,这名小伙的求婚“利器”不是鲜花钻戒,而是自己的智商测试报告、HIV唾液测试报告和精子测试报告,并且最终求婚成功,其行为引起网友热议。 转播到腾讯微...
  • 05-212014
    1.So, my unsolicited advice to women in the workplace is this. When faced with sexism, or ageism, or lookism, or even really aggressive Buddhism, ask yourself the following question: ‘Is this person in between me and what I want to do?’ If the answ...
  • 05-212014
    Emoji, or emoticons, are the picturelike characters many people find indispensable in their social networking communications. Emoji, which originated in Japan, allow people to liven up their texts with hundreds of colorful images. But if you use emoji like a se...
  • 05-202014
    成功人士睡前常做的事有9件: 1. Read. Experts agree that reading is the very last thing most successful people do before going to sleep. Numerous business leaders block off time just before bed for reading, going so far as to schedule it as a “non-negot...
  • 05-192014
    At 102, she's having more fun than people half her age。   虽然已经102岁高龄,但伊迪丝·皮滕格的生活比很多50几岁人都要有趣刺激。   A great grandmother was treated to 180-mph laps around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway — a breathtaking feat she o...
  • 05-162014
    May 16, "Beijing Times" official microblogging news release, said the famous actor Huang Haibo prostitutes arrested: "exclusively learned last night, Beijing police get clues, some people engage in a hotel prostitution act...
  • 05-162014
    Florida street, "beggar" open Shoutu. Figure according to friends, "Qiu Bibi" 达州街头,“乞丐”公开收徒。图据网友“邱比比” Recently, Sichuan Dazhou busy street Jingxian "beggars" open fight signs "more experienced", ca...
  • 05-152014
    Movers and shakers of the film world are boarding yachts or jets to head for the once sleepy Mediterranean seaside town of Cannes for a 12day party that also serves as a film festival, with this year's lineup heavy on drama and light on humor. The 67th Cannes F...
  • 05-152014
    英语新闻:iPhone 6发布时间
    The leaf on the Apple symbol is tinted green at the Apple flagship store on 5th Ave in New York April 22, 2014. Employees and signage have been themed green to mark Earth Day。 2014年4月22日,位于纽约第五大道的苹果旗舰店把苹果标志上面的叶子换成了绿色。为响应地...
  • 05-142014
    Losing a tooth would land most of us in prickly situation bt for Norman the hedgehog it's made him an internet sensation. 掉牙对于我们大多数人来说是一件十分焦虑的事,但对于刺猬诺曼来说,缺牙使它成为网络红人。 It is not known how the African pygmy hedgehog owned ...
  • 05-142014
    A daily cup of coffee can save your eyesight, scientists claim. A chemical found in the drink prevents deteriorating eyesight and possible blindness from retinal degeneration due to glaucoma, ageing and diabetes. Researchers at Cornell Univesity in New...
  • 05-132014
    根据外媒报道,美国迪斯尼公司将于今夏引进英文配音的《哆啦A梦》正版动画,这也是《哆啦A梦》漫画连载44年来首次登陆美国,另外道具和人物名称会按照美国文化和习惯进行变更。   Garfield, Tom, meet your new competitor, Doraemon.   加菲猫,汤姆,来见见你们新的...
  • 05-132014
    英语新闻:X战警首映 珍妮佛-劳伦斯惊艳亮相
    She plays a mutant who can change shape to look like any person in X-Men: Days Of Future Past。   珍妮佛·劳伦斯在《X战警:逆转未来》中扮演“魔形女”,她可以任意变成其他人的样子。   But Jennifer Lawrence proved that the most impressive form she can a...
  • 05-132014
    幸福感,每个人都会拥有,可是怎么一直拥有幸福感呢?小编下面为大家介绍一篇英语新闻: What makes you happy all the time? What do you do when you feel like having a bad day? 什么能让你一直拥有幸福感?在你觉得一天过得很糟时,你会做什么让自己开心起来? 下面是8位网友的...
  • 05-122014
    全球最美餐厅:马尔代夫梦幻海底餐厅With allglass windows from floor to ceiling, sitting five metres below the surface of the Indian Ocean, this is...