• 05-212015
    Jackie Chan 成龙 The ageless Chan continues to be a major force in Asia as well as across the world, for the most part on the screen. He also dabbles in music – he is a classically trained opera singer, and helpe...
  • 05-212015
    Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 An actor, singer, and model, Xiaoming has demonstrated high marketability. On the acting side, he has held numerous lead roles in television series, including the lead role in Shanghai Bund, filling a role...
  • 05-212015
    Yang Mi 杨幂 In film and television since the age of four, Mi already has dozens of movies and television shows behind her. She started on the show Tang Ming Huang in 1993, and earned accolades for her role, with the show...
  • 05-212015
    Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Another Taiwanese star, Tsai is a pop diva, with 12 albums under her belt. She is the richest singer in Taiwan, with earnings topping $23 million per year, and has received numerous awards. Her latest album,...
  • 05-212015
    Andy Lau 刘德华 The most prolific Hong Kong star ever, like many Asian stars Lau performs on the screen as well as behind the microphone. He was the top Box Office Actor for two decades, with his 108 films between 1985 and...
  • 05-212015
    英语阅读短文 英文版: Eason Chan 陈奕迅 One of the most prolific Cantonese pop stars, Chan is the prominent male singer in Hong Kong’s music industry. He has made a habit over the last decade of dominating the awards s...
  • 05-212015
    Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Considered one of the top Chinese film actresses of modern times, Ziyi has managed to turn that into an international career. First getting international recognition, and awards, for her performance in Crouching...
  • 05-212015
    Lin Chi-Ling 林志玲 A Taiwanese model and actress, she got a late start, invited to model at age 28. Her fame came overnight, turning her into an instant celebrity, and she has served as the ambassador and spokesperson for ...
  • 05-192015
    谁能够瑞物细无声的收获广大妹子的爱?谁具有英雄的冷静却又正太的萌萌哒?谁陪您既聊得了聊天,又打得了怪兽?谁又能够是居家旅游的必备品?答案就是,风靡万千男女老少的喜笑颜开的《超能陆战队》主角——暖男大白也。   1.He's Highly Huggable看着就想抱抱   Baymax...
  • 05-192015
    上两期分享的摆脱消极情绪方式,注重于我们自己的开脱。今天这期,我们主要将方式集中在学会分享。我们摆脱消极最核心,也最长期有效的就是分享正能量,将爱传递。哪怕就是一个极小的音乐,你也可以分享,不期然你还可以收获一份音乐友谊。 Give 给予帮助 It may seem count...
  • 05-192015
  • 05-192015
  • 05-182015
    Koalas are one of Australia’s most iconic animals and are used to having their photos taken by visitors to their zoo enclosure. 高兴的英文翻译:考拉是澳大利亚的标志性动物之一,游客常常给动物园围栏里的考拉拍照。 But now the...
  • 05-132015
    “四个全面”战略布局、双引擎、新常态、硬骨头、拦路虎、“扶上马、送一程”、中国制造2025、“互联网+”行动计划、有权不可任性……这些看似高大上实则与你密切相关的术语用英语怎么说?中央编译局权威翻译,四六级考生自测一下! 中央编译局首次发布的30条术语全部采自今年3月份...
  • 05-112015
    .Amn592 { display:none; }   是不是经常听到小孩子的话,都想哈哈大笑呀?小孩子,就是有这种魔力,让您忘记忧愁,忘记烦恼,原来用不同的眼光看世界是这么的让人快乐。下面,一则少儿英语小笑话让您捧腹大笑。 Teacher: What's an abstract noun, Jane? Jane: I ...
  • 05-112015
    .Vwv818 { display:none; }   所谓pun,通常是指应用一个单词的两个含意,或者利用两个特定的单词,达到“一语双关”的目的。比喻下面第一句话,其中的grave有两个含意,一个是“严正的”(形容词),一个是“坟墓”(名词),因此这句话的意思是:他不是一个严肃的人,除非...
  • 05-112015
      一、培养正确的阅读习惯      英语阅读理解技巧首先就要培养正确的阅读习惯。有很多孩子在长期的学习中往往形成了各种阅读习惯,如一个词一个词地读,且常伴有一些习惯动作:用手指、摆头等,这就是速读的妨碍,并且可能影响到孩子毕生的阅读。有些不良的习惯会影响...
  • 05-112015
    英语句式1: Love means never having to say you are sorry. 爱,象征着永不说后悔。 英语句式2. i send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window. 想将对你的悼念寄托散落的...
  • 05-112015
    Mrs. Duck and Mr. Rabbit 对的,这又是一个故事。
    .Tar152 { display:none; } 先不要直接看中文哦~仔细阅读英文原文。找出生词和不懂的句子,然后根据翻译深刻理解~ Mrs. Duck and Mr. Rabbit   Mr. Rabbit said to Mrs. Duck, "Come and work with me and you will get more money than you have e...
  • 05-112015
    .Yqn573 { display:none; } 这是一个关于神话故事的作文。请注意里面的单词和语法应用哦~ Baucis and Philemon CopyRight .com As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus,Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise.One...