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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:32:49


  JESSICA: Hey 怡茹,how's it going?



  YR: Oh, hey Jessica. 我……我好困啊……困去世我了……

  JESSICA: Didn't you sleep well last night?



  YR: Sleep well? 我压根就没睡! 我男朋友昨天拉着我陪他去买iPhone 4S, 可当初这最新的iPhone特抢手!对了,Jessica,这种大家都想要的抢手货用美语怎么说啊? 

  JESSICA: You can say it sells like hotcakes. Hotcakes is spelled h-o-t-c-a-k-e-s, hotcakes. If you say something sells like hotcakes, it means it is sold quickly and in large numbers。

  YR: 没错! The new iPhone 6S sold like hotcakes! 新的iPhone 6S 绝对是热门货!

  JESSICA: There's actually another way of saying it, you can say: the new iPhone 4S is flying off the shelf! Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, shelf, 是货架的意思。Fly off the shelf, 就是说一件东西卖得特殊好.(基础英语口语练习注意有关抢手货的精辟解释哦) 内(((容来自

  YR: 店员还特别告诉我们,当天晚上他们会进新货,倡导咱们深夜就去排队,这样就能保障一大早开门的时候买到最新的iPhone了……所以我们大深夜就搬着小椅子守在苹果店门口…

  JESSICA: You camped out last night!



  YR: Camp out?

  JESSICA: Camp, c-a-m-p, 是露营的意思,camp out means that you stay outdoors all night in front of the store! 也可能说是露营!



  YR: 哈哈,没错! 咱们就仿佛去露营一样,在苹果店门口呆了整整一夜!这种事只有我男朋友这种科技发热友才干得出来!

  JESSICA: 看来你男友人还真是个tech-head!Tech是technology的简称,tech-head 脑袋里全是tech,就是科技发烧友!

  YR: Totally! My boyfriend is such a tech-head!

  JESSICA: 好,言归正传,说说你今天的基础英语口语练习中都学到了什么!

  YR: 第一:形容一件东西热点说something sells like hotcakes, 或者 something is flying off the shelf。



  第二:为买东西通宵露营,叫camp out;




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